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Quote by paulus
Long, short, chapters or not, published as a whole or in separate pieces, prose or poetry, all that is of no importance to me. If it captures me, I'll read it, if possible in one go. If , for some reason I have to stop reading, I'll remember where and will pick up from there, the next time. If I like it a lot, I'll seek out other work of the author and devour it all. I'll put them on my follow list, when I expect, or hope, that they'll publish more. In short, if I like what you write, I don't care in what form you do that, I'll read it anyway, and I'll be waiting and watching for more.

What Mr. Paulus said
"We can't tell you who we are. Or where we live. It's too risky, and we've got to be careful. Really careful. So we don't trust anyone. Because if they find us... well, we just won't let them find us.."

Opening to the animorphs by K. A. Applegate

Love it when I was a kid and read it to my niece's.
I tried to read 50 shades of grey but couldn't get pass the first few pages.
Being the Goddess wife to the sun god Ra (That's how bright your smile is ;))
I been told by someone who must not be name..... Ginger..... that Authoriesed kiss people and shakes babys
Quote by authorised1960

Someone told me in confidence that GR likes to play with Barbie dolls when he's at home alone... Apparently he has an extensive collection, including all the accessories!

No that's Simmie doll's that I'm holding for her

I been told by a little baby that Authorised likes to wear baby booty's to bed
He enjoys watching the sunrise in the west but didn't know that he was looking in the mirror again
Banned for having a baby face that the lady's love to pitch all day long
Quote by authorised1960

I heard that GR once had a date with a sexy lady - but couldn't go because he wet himself with excitement!
That happen once sad But she just laugh it off :P

I heard a rumor that Reb cast a spell on someone and turn them into her bunny