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6 days ago


You got my vote Ms. Ginger and Justine has my vote to be your vice - president

How do you like your steak and with what?
Granted, All you have to do is pet a kitty on the tummy for each one.

I wish I had a girlfriend as lovely as Ginger, sweet as Simmie, smart as Entangled_Fate
Sorry but your fate says that you must move along because it's my spot
Not granted because you will get ore yesterdays then tomorrows.

I wish I can steal one of Gingers smiles for a day
Quote by ginger86
being a peeping tom "cat"

Shhhh Don't tell anyone I'm your peeping tom "cat"

Authorised got arrested for asking Ginger to change his diapers
Quote by ginger86
underwear model for victoria's secrets

For you Ginger, always

He is Ginger dressmaker from England
I told you that Ginger was a undercover cop who was faking at being your mother
Beer please. Never liked wine

A dinner next to a fireplace or on the beach at sunset?
Yes I have, saved a kid that got sweep out to sea. But lost a good friend and firefighter/cop that day sad

How do women look so good in the morning when they just wake up?
How many times did I tell you not to blind the cops with your bright smile?
Told you that Rebs would kick your butt if you keep making faces at her
Granted, because you are a movie star yourself.

I wish I can become a real write like everyone else here
I wish I knew how Ginger always makes me smile just by looking at her warm smiles
Carpool and riding bikes then driving. That would help a little on it.

Do you enjoy walking thou a park, woods and forest on a nice day?
When I was a kid, I was afeard of the sand because I thought there was a HUGE worms who ate people because I saw someone disappear in a hole that he/she made.
A audiobook from Daniel Pinkwater - The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror
Granted, I even give the list little tiny bit of food to my name to those who needs it.

I wish I had a kitty to cuddle with
All of my sweet lady friends on my friends list

Would you hug someone you didn't know out of the blue?