Granted, All you have to do is pet a kitty on the tummy for each one.
I wish I had a girlfriend as lovely as Ginger, sweet as Simmie, smart as Entangled_Fate
Not granted because you will get ore yesterdays then tomorrows.
I wish I can steal one of Gingers smiles for a day
Beer please. Never liked wine
A dinner next to a fireplace or on the beach at sunset?
I wish I knew how women do it
How many times did I tell you not to blind the cops with your bright smile?
Granted, because you are a movie star yourself.
I wish I can become a real write like everyone else here
I'm grateful that Ginger isn't hurting today
I wish I knew how Ginger always makes me smile just by looking at her warm smiles
A sleeper goddess in waiting
Carpool and riding bikes then driving. That would help a little on it.
Do you enjoy walking thou a park, woods and forest on a nice day?
When I was a kid, I was afeard of the sand because I thought there was a HUGE worms who ate people because I saw someone disappear in a hole that he/she made.
A audiobook from Daniel Pinkwater - The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror
Granted, I even give the list little tiny bit of food to my name to those who needs it.
I wish I had a kitty to cuddle with