Quote by snoopQuote by Rebellious_SoulQuote by authorised1960
. There is always two or three months where the site is just dead. I seen it a few times before, we'll we just need to give it a small push and things and the usual banter will resume.
Yeah ... I just might return and claim my rightful place at THE END OF THE LINE!!
Then I'll steal you spot at the End of the Line and make you my right paw cat, but don't tell Ms. Rebs tho
Quote by Entangled_Fate
Wabi-sabi (侘寂) is the beauty of things that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.
Wabi is the quality of a rustic, yet refined, solitary beauty. Sabi means things whose beauty stems from age - the patina of age, and the concept that changes due to use may make an object more beautiful and valuable.
As things come and go, they show signs of their coming or going and these signs are considered to be beautiful.