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1 week ago


Fortunately Anna makes everyone laugh with her dragon fire dance

Hey Anna
Unfortunately the dragons isn't as wise as Paulus so they bow to Master of wisdom
Yes, it's a good way to teach them not to do it again and so they can really see right from wrong. Like my father always tell me. If you get yourself in deep sh** you have to get yourself out of it.

Would jump over the moon when it's full?
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Fantasy Eye Land!

The worlds BEST dragon friend EVER
Watch my four nieces play in the snow and open their gifts on Christmas day smile And be snow in biggrin

What will you do if you do get snow in for the whole winter?
Once and she teach me how to become a better kisser

Would you ever kiss in the dark?
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by paulus
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by Ghostreader
I have to say Ms. Rebs because she's fun to talk with about whatever even tho she's a toughie

Nah I'm just busy as well as anti social. How sweet you are to say as such though. Have a good evening!

Hey Rebs, you anti social? You won't fool me with that, I know you're not.

I can always try muahaha

I agree with Paulus. You can't fool us with your rebs smiles
I would love to if I knew where the stairs to heaven where she lives is at
Fortunately Ginger use her hotness to melt all the snow out of her driveway

Hey Ginger
You know things are bad when Ginger comes over and eats all of your Christmas dinner and then her own
Fortunately Annamay caught her dragon doing the Christmas shopping for everyone on here using her dragon-card smile
I have to say Sweet Kiera because she's huggable, funny and heavenly, just like Ginger