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In a place where quiet is found, And nature reigns supreme, Serenity finds me. By the warming glow of a campfire, The flapping of a bird's wing, Hum of happy alpaca, And rustle of a gentle breeze in the trees, Restore my soul. I am at peace, Lost within myself, Overwhelmed by dreams. My imagination blends. Reality is overtaken. It is only then That I truly awaken, My eyes seeing for the first time The beautiful wood nymph...

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I had a new hope, my dark fate was to be terminated. The rise of the machines was to lead to a new dawn. I had suffered in the jaws of a phantom menace, it wasn’t that I was psycho, more I was a victim of an attack of the clones . Judgement day was coming, the terminator of my fate was both my salvation and a genisys. I was to be reborn. I was to be the living doll, that became the prince of thieves. Thus my bank account...

It was a warm Greek evening, he found his love in the cypress labyrinth. There she was, as still as the statue of Aphrodite just a little way off. Her alabaster skin, soft and creamy in the moon's beams. He was strolling in the labyrinth, before his nightcap. He could not help but look upon her and pause in his journey. She looked just a little too long, as their eyes met. She saw her future, as she ran her tongue over he...

When I got home todayYou were gone It wasn’t just your presence But your joy Your vivacity Your essence Your car Wasn’t on the drive The house was silent Nothing was quite right Cushions out of place Dishes, where they were left Drawers cascaded Empty A hand written note Propped above the mantle My name etched In your blue script Gone Shopping Back soon

My Girl the Petroleuse

Petroleuse was a term first used during the French Revolution

The fire burning within, as if a Molotov cocktail burned her soul.  Desire so focussed on her intent, to stand alone or with the security and camaraderie of a crowd, demanding to be heard. Was she rich, or famous? Did she wear the latest fashions? Did she speak the language of the politicians? No, but she was clear in her mind that she would stand and fight until the fight was won, or she had uttered her last breath. The...

How Can I Celebrate?

From no hope, to hope itself

The last ten years have been hard, with little to celebrate. Yet life goes on, each day, time marches on, regardless of whether it is good or ill for me. Then, I saw my future, in the shape of her.