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Rest in Peace
And the Albert King set from the last Fillmore East show...

Albert King - June 27, 1971 - Fillmore East - N.Y., New York
Rest in Peace
When I first moved in the area in '79, it didn't look like much, just an empty abandoned theater...and then a couple of years later it re-opened as a gay club called The Saint, and now apparently it's an apartment building with a bank in the lobby...yeah, things change...but a lot of great music got played there at one time...

Live at the Fillmore East: A History of 105 2nd Avenue

And this is the last show as broadcast on WNEW-FM...the Albert King portion is missing here, but I'll post it in another's great stuff my friends...

Fillmore East Closing Evening, June 27th, 1971 radio broadcast, WNEW FM 102.7

Rest in Peace
My friend Holly turned a picture of one of my guitars into a coloring page...she has magic powers apparently...and I can see this being the start of a new trend myself...

Rest in Peace
Quote by rolandlytle
Quote by LordMazzar
How do we enter?
Do we just post it?

If you go to the link on DirtyMartini's post, there are complete entry rules including how to submit. (BTW snail-mail only submissions)

Thanks...yeah, the deadline was March 1 I mentioned in my original post...but maybe somebody here will get lucky...
Rest in Peace
Cool beans...somebody translated one of my poems into Vietnamese, and they didn't just use Google Translate either, I just figured it is an actual translation...anyone here speak Vietnamese by any chance? Just curious how they did, though they did take the time to translate it, so it can't be all bad...

Paris Will Never Be The Same

And yes, I realize it was posted three years ago, and the first I've seen it was tonight...and yes, I will never understand Google searches either...

Rest in Peace
Trans Fiction Anthology is Seeking Stories from Diverse Writers
Instar Books is planning to publish a "trans fiction" anthology (yet untitled) with an emphasis on sexuality. Guest editor Tobi Hill-Meyer wants stories to explore the important personal and political issues and challenges of sexuality and dating in trans community through erotic fiction ...
Payment: $50/story plus one contributor copy...

Trans Fiction Anthology is Seeking Stories from Diverse Writers[/size]
Rest in Peace
Dark Clouds Anthology is Seeking Science Fiction Stories
Graythorn Publishing is soliciting stories for DARK CLOUDS, the title and theme of an anthology of science fiction stories. The premise is that humans release clouds of microbes, over a million particles an hour. Such continuous chaos is likely to have something go terribly wrong, perhaps disastrous ...
Payment: up to $300/story

Dark Clouds Anthology is Seeking Science Fiction Stories[/size]
Rest in Peace
Got interviewed last night by Vicki Drane on Artist First Radio was only a half hour, and I read two poems..."We Started As Friends" and "Neon Sign"...both of which are on this fine site listen to the interview simply click on where it says "February 24, 2016 Show" and we good to go...enjoy...

Vicki Drane Speaks - Alan W. Jankowski - February 24, 2016 Show

Rest in Peace
10 Free Writing Contests With Cash Prizes (No Entry Fee)
We love the idea of writing contests, but we hate contest fees. That’s why we’ve rounded up these 10 writing contests that all have no entry or reading fees. Some end soon, so be sure to apply for those right away if you’re interested. Most of these contests are for poetry only, so if you’re a poet you're in luck!

10 Free Writing Contests With Cash Prizes (No Entry Fee)[/size]
Rest in Peace
Quote by Kiera
I am so glad you posted this here too. Would you post the poem too?

Oh yeah, I knew there was something I was supposed to do over here...this poem is pretty easy to find here on Stories's the second most viewed poem on the site, and my guess is it will be the most viewed in a few seems to go up several hundred views every you go Kiera...

We Shall Never Forget (9-11 Tribute)

Let the world always remember,
That fateful day in September,
And the ones who answered duty's call,
Should be remembered by us all.

Who left the comfort of their home,
To face perils as yet unknown,
An embodiment of goodness on a day,
When men's hearts had gone astray.

Sons and daughters like me and you,
Who never questioned what they had to do,
Who by example, were a source of hope,
And strength to others who could not cope.

Heroes that would not turn their back,
With determination that would not crack,
Who bound together in their ranks,
And asking not a word of thanks.

Men who bravely gave their lives,
Whose orphaned kids and widowed wives,
Can proudly look back on their dad,
Who gave this country all they had.

Actions taken without regret,
Heroisms we shall never forget,
The ones who paid the ultimate price,
Let's never forget their sacrifice.

And never forget the ones no longer here,
Who fought for the freedoms we all hold dear,
And may their memory never wane,
Lest their sacrifices be in vain.


One of these days I'm going to update this post as well...some of these links aren't working after five years, and I'm going to add some stuff from the last five years...

My 9-11 Tribute poem has been "in print" at least fourteen times in 2011...[/size]
Rest in Peace
Tommy Emmanuel, and Stochelo Rosenberg together...just a little bit of talent on stage here my friends...

Rest in Peace
I had entered this contest with this story back in 2012...

One Chance
by Alan W. Jankowski

Nikolai reached his hand into his pocket and felt the knife. He had worked for weeks on it, slowly grinding down the stone blade day by day. Somehow just the feel of it was comforting, and he knew he would be using it in a few short hours. He only had one chance to take out the guard when he reached the perimeter, and he knew the hours he spent honing the blade would soon pay off. From there he would have to rush to the lake and quickly assemble the raft he had made out of drop cloths, and bottles he found lying around the prison camp behind the officer’s quarters.

He thought about his wife when she woke up in the morning. He wished he could take her, but he knew she would understand. He’d come for her when he could, but for now, his people needed him.


I had seen recently that there was a similar flash contest with a similar theme, except the word limit was only 100 words this time...anyway, I took a couple of sentences out, and edited out a couple of words, and submitted it...

It ended up winning third place...I get an online writing course, and of course publication on the's the link, and you can read the other winners...good deal me thinks...

Results of Morgen’s January 100-word competition

Morgen does this every month, so if it sounds like something of interest, check it out my friends...and Good Luck...
Rest in Peace
CARRIAGE HOUSE POETRY PRIZE (in observance of Arbor Day 2016)
Deadline: March 1, 2016 (received)
Final judge: Laura Boss

This competition is for previously unpublished poems that “contain reference to a tree or trees (not necessarily poems ABOUT trees). Any style or form.” Prize: $300 and publication in TIFERET journal; “The winner and possible runners up will be posted online….”
Rest in Peace
Deadline: February 15, 2016

“Tell us about the manager who has affected you the most — for better or for worse No real names, please. Just vivid, juicy tales from your work life, past or present.” Prize: “$200 for the winner, to be announced on February 22, 2016. The winning entry, and perhaps some other entries, will be published…on Work Stew.”
Rest in Peace
Deadline: March 25, 2016
NO ENTRY FEE (Tip Jar donations welcome, but not required)

This contest welcomes work in three categories: poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. See the guidelines for specifics (including judge names and bios) for each category. Prize (in each category): $50 and publication for the winner; publication for the runner-up.
Rest in Peace
The winning poet in 2016, as judged by the Zócalo staff, will receive $500. Poems must be original and previously unpublished work. Entries will be accepted until February 5, 2016. Entries will be judged based on originality of ideas, how well the poem fits the theme, and style. The winning poem becomes the property of Zócalo Public Square.
Rest in Peace
I know I had posted a couple of weeks back the cover on this one, but now it is officially out...and looking at the list of authors and their bios, I can tell you that I am among some distinguished company here, like the antho I was part of four years ago to benefit the American Cancer Society...not sure if there are any US Poet Laureates this time, but some rather accomplished writers nonetheless...this is a worthwhile project here, and I have both a story and poem in this one myself...check it out my friends, all proceeds go to benefit cancer research...

Dear Cancer...The Anthology

Rest in Peace
Shimmer Magazine is Seeking Contemporary Fantasy Stories
Shimmer, a monthly speculative fiction print/digital magazine launched in 2005, has opened its first reading period of 2016 to curate short fiction stories for upcoming issues. Shimmer is open to all styles, character-types, and sub-genres, especially modern fantasy ...
Payment: 5 cents/word

Fiction Guidlines - Shimmer[/size]
Rest in Peace
The Dark City magazine Welcomes Crime & Mystery Stories
The Dark City, a quarterly crime and mystery magazine which debuted it first issue recently, is curing curate stories for forthcoming issues. The editor is inviting writers to submit crime and mystery stories set in the Western United States with preference to stories based in reality ...
Payment: $25/story

The Dark City[/size]
Rest in Peace
'The Beauty of Death' Anthology is Seeking Horror Stories
Independent Legions Publishing (Rome, Italy) has opened a reading period to review original horror stories written in English for a new anthology titled, "The Beauty of Death." Editor Alessandro Manzetti is open to all styles of horror, including sub-genres and tropes of speculative fiction ...
Payment: $100/story

'The Beauty of Death' Anthology is Seeking Horror Stories[/size]