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Tales From the Tabletop III

"Work!" The word that nearly brought the world to ruin.

Wherever they are found, and wherever they have traveled, Kender evoke a common adage amongst those who have encountered them. The most dangerous thing in the world is a bored Kender. I must beg to differ in this tale. For those who don’t know Kender, they are a race of Halflings/Hobbits known for an overwhelming sense of curiosity. So great is their curiosity that they are fearless even in the most dire of circumstances....

Anew As One

A forest spirit reborn of love.

The dryad sleeps in slender stems, and new green leaves. Born of two souls mingled, the dryad dreams. One died for love of the land and a friend. One passed in her dotage, but was content in the end. Xantwilla’s soul lingered where her charred stump remained. By love and fey magic was her spirit sustained. For Penny she waited — her life incomplete. She knew that one day, they would once again meet. On a night blessed by...

Tales From the Tabletop II

Name? Choose wisely...

Here’s yet another fond memory from the bygone days of PnP role-playing. This tale centers around one of my players creating a new character. Everyone playing the game had many characters. We just picked out characters from our portfolio according to whim every time we sat down at our custom-built plywood and 2x4 gaming table. Everyone wanted a wide variety of options, so we often rolled up new characters whenever we were...

Tales From the Tabletop

Never get on the Dungeon Master's nerves...

There were some grand moments in my old PnP role-playing days that I will think fondly of until my dying day. This is one of them. My gaming world was one of my own creation, put together in the fashion of Frankenstein’s monster from numerous sources. It was quite the “Monty Haul” campaign, which means that loot was abundant. I balanced this by giving the monsters and other beings in the world access to the same hauls of...

Ride No More

The sun keeps him company.

The sky’s blue-gray – opaque and oppressive. The clouds can’t even seem to stand up to it, because they’re ghostly – unreal – their dark bottoms devoured by that steely background. Heh. Have to remember that. Sounds like a good opening for a story. I’ve got a nice view of it, not that I want it. The narrow rock shelf I’m lying on doesn’t give me much else to look at, other than the crumbled remains of the significantly na...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 06

Alicia confronts her father and sets forth to make her own way in the world at Thakkor's side.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature.Alicia rode at Thakkor’s side down the hill, once more traveling on the well maintained roads of Freeland. After four days of easy riding, she and Thakkor were within a day’s ride of the city. As o...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 05

After coming to the aid of fellow travelers, Thakkor and Alicia give in to their emotions.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature.  Alicia awakened to the sound of birds singing and the scent of flowers on the wind. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled as she beheld Thakkor asleep in the bed next to her. Her cheeks warmed a...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 04

An attack in the night interrupts her budding relationship, and puts her on the run once more.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature.   Alicia sat cross-legged beneath a cherry tree in the garden, blissfully savoring a few of the ripe fruits, plucked directly from the tree. As with the day before, her parents were simply too stu...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 03

Finally returned home after her ordeal, she feels as if she's traded one captivity for another.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature. "Welcome home," Fantil declared as the wagon crested a hill, revealing the sprawling city of Freeland. The bright noonday sun sparkled on the Groen Sea and the river Lionsfare, framing the city in...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 02

Having escaped captivity, Alicia welcomes the aid of a kind stranger.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature. Alicia awakened with the sun, as she had the day before. This time, however, she felt rested. While the dirt floor was a far cry from her feather-stuffed mattress, it was a great improvement over...

To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch. 01

Rich beauty captured and held for ransom proves she's not a wilting flower who will accept her fate.

Reader discretion advised. The story you are about to read contains mature content that some may find offensive. By choosing to read this piece, you agree that you are 18 or older and do not object to content of a sexual nature. Alicia fought to keep her eyes open, and thought that she was certainly going to lose the battle this time. Oblivious to her waning attention, Alfred continued to drone on about his exciting – at...