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Over 90 days ago


Thank you very much to all those who've read my work.
I am truly grateful that you took the time to read my things. I don't write very frequently, especially because I'm rather busy but I do try to write in order to tingle a vibe from within everyone.

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Is it weird to like Opera for someone my age?
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My only friend

You're never alone when you're lonely.

I am never alone, I am never isolated,Because by my side I will always have loneliness.Only he can stand by me when everyone has left.My friends abandoned and there he was waiting for me,The bullies pushed but there he was to hold on to me,My family gone and there he stood embracing me.When he's here and when he's not, I know he's waiting, whether I like it or not.He tells me stories, of all my times,His words of wisdom a...

I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even belong in here. Lying here, on the stone cold floors in my tiny cell, hearing nothing but thoughts going over and over again made me feel so powerless. Every time I thought about being in here, I have this sorrow feeling begin to swell up inside me. “Come on hurry up! Just do it, they’ll never know it was you.” Carter, my best friend, said with eagerness. I hesitated at first, but what...