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50 minutes ago


Quote by henrietta_fielding
Popping in for a cuppa here and to catch up with everyone's news. It's probably the last day of our heatwave, so I'm about to sit out in the garden and enjoy the sunshine (covered up and wearing SPF 50!) Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!

I am not going to give into the temptation of asking what this heatwave temperature is. I hope you enjoyed the sunshine.

Here it is cold and midwinter and 20 degrees. Lovely sunny day, though but the temp will drop overnight.

Good to see such good competition entries. I really enjoyed finishing mine, it was a story I had started a while ago.

I also re-published Oxford Street here which is my most highly regarded story, so do check that out it you get a moment. I would give you a link but of course I haven't done enough posts
Quote by Molly
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that participated in this competition. Also, thank you to those of you that took the time to read, score, and comment.

We have some excellent writers here and I'm always excited to see what you all come up with.

Just in case you didn't see, the winners will be announced on August 1st.

Best of luck!

Thanks Molly. Thanks to all those who had a part in organising what has been a wonderful competition, with every story so very good. Indeed this is a group of wonderful writers.

Some of you, who know me from elsewhere, know I'm a bit of a competition junkie (17 going on 18 in a row.) I am a chronic perfectionist who can still be editing months after any sane writer would have published. The Comps have deadlines which works for me, but are also a wonderful way of reading new writers and building a writing community.

This comp has been a favourite of mine, the friendliness and community is so strong here and that brings out the best in us all.

Quote by Violet_the_Verbose
What a cozy space you all have here.

I'll just have a cuppa while I try and get a feel for this place. I made an account recently after hearing about the almost closure of the site. I was really moved by everyone's passion to keep Stories Space going. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute to the survivor contest if I stop procrastinating long enough to finish my draft. I got a late start. The few stories I've read so far have been outstanding.

For those that think they know me from the dark side, I will say there's absolutely nothing filthy or obscene about me. I don't even know what the dark side is. Here, I keep it clean.

I will join you for a cuppa, and one of Kat's yummy Snickerdoodles. Just what I need on this cool winter's afternoon.

There is a V synonym for procrastinating, Violet - go get writing Violet the Verbose, or else at competition closing time you might find yourself transformed into a called Vacillating Violet
Quote by Molly
Verity: [url=https://]We’ll Be Home By Christmas[/url]

Survivor: [url=https://]The Little Survivor [/url]

AnnaMayZing: [url=https://]Over The Top[/url]

KatarinaTechgoddess: [url=https://]I'm Still alive[/url]

CuriousAnnie: [url=https://]Broken Banns[/url]

TheShyThespian: [url=https://] Hand In My Pocket[/url]

Verbal: [url=https://]Monster[/url]

Mendalla: [url=https://]Us Survivors[/url]

Tams: [url=https://]The Girl With More Than One Name[/url]

Read all the stories now, and they are all wonderful, a tribute to our craft and a fabulous takes on the competition theme. Hopefully we will get a handful more to enjoy. Thanks to those of you who have read and commented on mine.
So enjoyed this contest, 500 words is an enjoyably challenging length.

Congratulations to all who entered, the top ten and in particular Blackdog, Wordpusher715, and Mendalla.

Thanks to those who organised and judged this competition.
Quote by sprite
Quote by Mendalla
Quote by sprite
this sounds fun. might try my hand at writing something for it. great idea, guys. smile

The more the merrier, Rach.

My entry, [url=https://]The Berry Girl[/url], is up now.

also nice, they're short enough that i can read most of them - tomorrow. lol i have a date with a bathtub right now - going to soak until i am prune like. i am sort in places i am not normally sore! :) $:

Probably the wrong site to speculate on the where and why of those sore places, Rach ... presumable your entry wont be about Portland ... catch you soon prune face, and running

My entry is up though I cant link it in my forum signature; maybe I haven't posted enough. It is called Coral is the colour of love and is, surprisingly for those familiar with my other writing, set in Australia.
Can I post this, a voice from the south. Thursday evening and the southerly change rolled through. The temperature dropped from around 38 degrees C to about 26 degrees C. Such welcome relief as it has been so hot and humid today. And the heat and humidity of February still in front of us. Hope you all have a good day, and if you can send some snow down our way, please do so.