Courgette 30 Dec 2024 Akycha I stood, looking out at an untouched ocean of blue and white, comfortable in my heavy parka and knit tuque. It was peaceful on top of the mountain. And lonely, although I wondered if I’d brought that with me, cloaked in a silence that was too loud at times and too quiet at others; those times when I hoped it might drown out the howling storm within me. Breathless, I stared out over the natural beauty, ignoring the cold th...
Courgette 6 Sep 2021 The Fox His eyes were curious, his ears inquisitive. I wondered if he was a fan of Taylor Swift or if the sound of the ukulele touched at some primal memory. Or, maybe like me, he just liked the sound of the small waterfall that cascaded down the smooth time-worn granite on the other side of the creek. Maybe this was where he, like me, came to be alone with his thoughts. It had been a fluke discovering this place. One of the last...