I ate a bacon doughnut,
and now I'm itching like a fudnut,
Am I allergic?
I really hope not,
or I'll kick the person who bought
Quote by authorised1960
Stupidity and ignorance, that's what is on my mind!
This is the story: last week I sold a set of DVDs to a buyer in Brooklyn, New York, USA. I have been that specific for a very good reason: I am based in England, UK - Europe, if you like. In terms of DVDs, Europe is a completely different region from the Americas, which anybody who lives in either region would - or should - know.
Now, this buyer is an experienced eBayer, with over 2000 feedback comments, yet because HE was too stupid, lazy and/or ignorant to actually CHECK the details of the item before he bought it he is accusing ME of deception!
His complaint is that, because I did not specify in my listing details that the DVDs would NOT play outside of Europe, I gave misleading information! No matter that by the same token I did not specify that the set WOULD play in the USA or that they were region free, either. Nor, for that matter, did the guy contact me to clarify whether they would play in his machine. No, I'M the one in the wrong!
And you know what's really bloody stupid? eBay will side with him. They always do, no matter how wrong the buyer is; no matter how goddamn stupid, thick, ignorant, rude, insulting and/or threatening the buyer is eBay will side with them because that is what they do. So, I will lose another sale, be made to look stupid, effectively be branded a liar and a fraud all because some moron could not be bothered to ask one simple damn question!!!
Quote by gypsy
What is on my mind? The abominable assassination of journalists and police officers in Paris today. Journalists and political cartoonists, satirists, doing their job, pointing out the absurdity of ALL extremist groups, of ALL stripes.
Pollice officers, doing their jobs, protecting the public safety and democratic and republican rights of those who had received death threats.
Cabu, Wolinksi, Charb, Tignous - four of the best, unflinching political cartoonists. Men of talent, humour and insight, gone. While they cannot speak again, their voices are not silenced, as they are remembered and their best work is being brought to the press even now.
Sickening, frightening, but not new, this attack on freedom of the press and information, this attack on the lives of those who speak up freely and without fear.
The killers? Poor, pathetic cowards, who only prove once again that the pen IS mightier than the sword, because they are so frightened of the pen and the role it serves as the tool for minds that will not bend to intimidation, threats, and violence.
Because they know that people have minds of their own, and are capable of assessing and refusing tyrany, in all its many guises.
That is what is on my mind, and what lies heavy on my heart tonight. My most sincere condolences go to the families and loved ones of those who have died today.
Quote by GIGGLESQuote by paulusQuote by GIGGLES
~*~ did I do it right??
Yes and no, AABBA is correct, the meter isn't spot on. If you go back a but in this thread, You'll find somethin I wrote about the rules for limericks.
But with a little effort, and forgive me for stealing your words:
When you finally do find your place
Show some real class and also some grace
Never tell any lies
And don't overly sigh
And remember to wash your sweet face
Thank you! I kinda see haha I will practice more but I am finding doing limericks fun(:
Quote by the_enchantress
I shall be
We will watch a bunch of revenge movies.
Who's house will we be at?
Or is it whose
Quote by CKAcres
Analogue, vinyl has a better sound.
Do you prefer headphones or ear buds?
Quote by paulus
Straight ofcourse. I think it's a crime to mix good liquor with anything.
Vodka or single malt?
Quote by gypsyQuote by Circle_Something
A guy from Glasgow, prefers limerick to haiku,
but what is he to do?
His haiku are often crap,
but his limericks are also pap.
Here's hoping people don't sue.
There once was a lad from Glasgow,
Who was sadly taken for a scarecrow,
Said he: not even in name,
Are we remotely the same,
A scarecrow's quite drear, but I glow.