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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SilverArdorDragon
You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth - Meatloaf

Great song!

Im listening to Irredesnce by Linkin Park
Active Ink Slinger
Sitting around playing board games with my friends... the pizza, soda and the um spirited play. Risk was one of our favorites followed by Axis and Allies and Nuclear war. Lord that was fun.fSRqt9xBhRtB6Z6k
Active Ink Slinger
Today I feel sad because something is slowly dying.
Today I feel optimistic because that same something is slowly dying.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LMB
Quote by Lola
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by sassy
I want a cookie and I can't have them!!! ARH!!!

You always want a cookie LOL

Who doesn't always want a cookie? Or cake?

omg! caaaaaaaakeeee!

LMB Do you like cake? I hate it myself!