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Over 90 days ago
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Earth, Wind and Fire
The E Street Band
Lincoln Park
Rolling Stones
Gym Class Heroes
Active Ink Slinger
Today I am grateful for my health. As long as I have that, I can deal with anything.
Active Ink Slinger
You look beautiful. (Although I'm pretty sure it will be a lie, the thought is what counted.)
Active Ink Slinger
Butter knife. Best tool in the kit.

Can you remember the name of the person that gave you your very first kiss?
Active Ink Slinger
Waiting on those on the returning flight
Eyes seeking familiar faces
Someone desires their return
Active Ink Slinger
Dorothy Dandridge. I love Halle and she has really represented well. But, the girl can't act.

Romeo and Juliet or Othello
Active Ink Slinger
I feel really bad because I really don't put too much into it. I have a clear picture of the character's personality and the name just comes to me. I generally go with my first thought. It is very rare that I will go back and change a name.
Active Ink Slinger
None of them knew the color of the sky.
~The Open Boat, by Stephen Crane

It is the absolutely best opening line ever--simple and filled with implication. It is the whole point of the short story, but you don't know it until you have had time to meditate on the story. My theory on writing is "keep it simple". This is an excellent example. Opening lines are always the hardest to write.
Active Ink Slinger
Hi everyone. I'm AvrgBlkGrl. I'm really excited about coming to Stories Space. I already recognize some of the writers from other sites and I'm glad to see them here. There are some wonderful writers here and I'm eager to meet them. I do write fiction, but I do consider myself to be more of a poet. It comes easier for me. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my work or consider your input. So, don't hesitate to slip me a message or a comment. I won't lie, I'm a little tender but I do so much want to improve. It is important that the reader is able to see my vision as well as add a little of their self.

I have already submitted a poem. I was so honored and pleased to be given a Recommended Read Ribbon. If you have a moment please give it a read and tell me what you think.

If you get a moment, check out my page. I'm sort of lonely here so I welcome friend requests.

Active Ink Slinger
I don't like them too short, specifically here. Six thousand to nine thousand words is enough. I think that is close to guidelines. Then, I think another chapter would be good. If they are too short and it a really good reading, I get a little mad when it finishes too soon or just drops off.