The generosity of friends who have helped make my daughters dreams, reality.
Somebody's Darling - Marie Ravenel de LaCoste
I've looked for love in all the same old places
Found the bottom of a bottle always dry
But when you poured out your heart I didn't waste it
'Cause there's nothing like your love to get me high
I don't know her but she seems to be a lot of fun
Opera House
Tel Aviv, Israel
Baked a cake for an elderly woman who lives close by.
I don't know him but from his profile, he sounds like a nice, level headed decent man... And he owns my favourite type of shop.
Salisbury Cathedral
Mumbai, India
Hi Rune, its nice to meet you. I'm Aries Dragon. 😊
Dawn's not something I see
Collapsed bridge
Harare, Zimbabwe
The Cat Park
Kigali, Rwanda
For My grandmother... A truly remarkable woman, with an MBE from the Queen to prove it. She taught me so much about life but failed at her attempt to turn me into a proper Lady. 6 years without her feels like a lifetime. I miss you. xxx