Unfortunately, all Anna's tissues got wet in the rain
I cook a lot, though more out of daily necessity. I bake and decorate birthday and wedding cakes.
I weld and plasma cut things in metal. I ride motorbikes and less often, our horses. I really enjoy archery, both recurve and compound. I sew... I love creating
I also like playing words with friends.
In Primary school there were 2... Mr Gordon, who made me shake in my little brown lace up shoes, and Mrs. Ojany, who skulked around the place looking like a haggard old stork, looking for a reason to give you a telling off. To call them scary was an understatement! When they raised their voices, which was often, everyone went silent. I was terrified of them and too often I was the reason for the raised voices. I came across them on seperate occasions when I was in my 20's and realised what pathetic little bullies they actually were.
On the other hand, my riding teacher was a blast. At the weekends we were allowed to go to her house and make toast. This often included havng a sneaky sniff at her Brandy!
My swimming coach was a massive part of my life. We were good friends and still are, decades later.
My High school art teacher was a scream and a massive influence. I believe he now lives in Florida and enjoys spit roast racoon and the odd bit of road kill.
Not a long list for me...
Kenya.. obviously
DRC( democratic republic of Congo)
I have a long list of countries I would like to visit.
I was going to be a florist. I also dreamt of being a professional athlete... I did make it international, but not professional.
When I was about 5, I declared I was going to be a red Indian, my feral daughter did too, funnily enough. Then I wanted to be a belly dancer, I loved the costumes, i think my slightly bohemiam style came from there. I thought about becoming a vet, I loved to help out my mum and learnt to vacinate and stitch up animals before I was 12, but the thought of all those years in vet school wasn't enticing, and quite frankly, I wouldn't have been able to pay attention long enough. But early on I knew I'd do something creative, all my school books were covered in doodles... I used to illustrate my assignments and get into all kinds of trouble but at 17 I took part in my first exhibition and I have been painting ever since. I can not imagine doing anything else. I have my dream career.
Hmmm.... I wonder how many here have visited the continent I live on...
Creme brulee
Marmite or bovril?
Traditional sunday Roast!
Baked potatoes or roast potatoes
He owns a bookshop... He must be a nice guy.
Gilmore Girls
Mcloeds Daughters
Return to Eden
The good wife
Happy Birthday, Anna. I hope it was a good one. 🐉🎂
None, not a single one...
I have never seen either.
Spiders or snakes?
I lived on the edge of the Indian ocean for 6 years... for a few of those the beach was my front garden. Its beautiful but far from idyllic. The salt blowing in ruins EVERYTHING and everything is always sticky. I much prefer living up on a mountain now.
After working with commercial tours, I would definitely prefer to venture on my own. Itineries are far too tight.
WYR a small gathering of friends for casual dinner at home or a large, formal dinner party?