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I don't like crowds but I do like live music. However, that said, with decent equipment, I like to get totally immersed in music in the privacy of my own home.

John Williams (Classical Guitar) or John Williams (Composer)?

Quote by WriterGirl

Yours was great!! 😊

Aww... thanks, WG. So was yours. 🤗

Never download music. CDs are convenient, and I have many, but Vinyl is best.

Floor speakers or headphones/buds?

Ok, I'll be tenth. Just written and posted. Took me two hours and it probably shows.

I like scrambled eggs and can microwave them just how I like them. However, assuming that over-easy means fried with a soft yoke, then that. I like eggs in any form except raw.

Boiled eggs. Hot or cold?

This band keeps popping up uninvited on my Facebook feed. I finally gave them a listen and, to be fair, I have heard worse.

This is Battleground by When Rivers Meet.

Well, I finished Gilmore Girls so I was really looking forward to A Year in the Life. I so wish I hadn't seen that. It was a total assassination of everything the whole 7 seasons had built. I couldn't believe that it was written by the same people. I so wish I could erase those six hours from my memory. (I don't really, bearing in mind my recent competition entry!)

Gilmore girls was the only show where I had become totally absorbed with the characters, I literally laughed with them and cried with them. They should have left well alone. 😢

An excellent 90s dance track by DJ Tiesto featuring that wonderful Canadian singer/songwriter Sarah McLachlan -


For quality, Farmers Market but sadly, way too expensive for general shopping.

Home-cooked ham or packet, sliced ham?

I liked Marianne but the song that really struck me was The Ballad of Lucy Jordan from 1979. It was originally a hit for Dr Hook and the Travelling Medicine Show, who released it as The Ballad of Lucy Jordon in 1974. Marianne totally made it her own.

Excellent competition and inspired such a range of ideas. Congratulations to Verbal and Shy and well done to the runners-up. All the entries were superb and you should all be proud of your stories. Thanks to Molly and the admins for setting this one.

Quote by AnnaMayZing
I collect many things. I love all things miniature but one collection that drives my other-half mad is my collection of 'Gluhwein' mugs which I seek out each and every visit to Germany. Every town has it's own design and many are printed with the year. I have a kitchen shelf which is now full and each time I 'collect' one the only thing I hear is...
"Where is that one going to go?"

Eight years on and that shelf is now a cabinet full! 🤣

Hi, Everyone.

I just dropped in to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

I have been a little scarce around here lately. Sadly, there have been family issues to contend with, not least the death of my young niece last month aged 43. I hope that 2025 will see an improvement all round. I may even find time to write a flash story... 😉

See you all next year.

©Anna Morgan 2012

Watch TV AND listen to music (not at the same time) while NOT exercising.

Listen to a CD or watch the same music on a DVD/Bluray?

I am watching season 1 of 'The Empress' on Netflix. It is the dramatised story of Elisabeth (Sisi) Von Wittelsbach, Princess of Bavaria, and Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary.

It is beautifully photographed, and a wonderful story. A German production with subtitles.