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Oh Yeah...Anyone Out There Have A Humorous Poem?

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Rest in Peace
Oh Yeah...Anyone out there have a humorous poem? Well then, what are you waiting for?...enter it in the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest...April 1 deadline, but you can enter online...

There is no fee...and previously published poems are accepted...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Just thought I'd Bump this one, as it appears we have a few poetic jokesters on this site...

Not that that's a bad thing...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
It's that time of year, so let's just bump this one again...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Quote by magnificent1rascal
Wergle Flomp is what I had in mind when I revised Better Than You. Whad'ya think, will it have a shot?

I think there's only one way to find out, if you get my drift...and they do accept previously published stuff, so I can't really think of a good reason not to enter it...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

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<br>I always use Dell Hard Disk Drives, what about you, guys?
Rest in Peace
Just thought I'd Bump this know what to do...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
I just gave it a try, you never know smile
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Clearly we have some skilled humorists here on SS, but as this is/was a compo thread, would it not make more sense to start a new thread devoted to humorus poetry?

Just a thought...
Quote by authorised1960
Clearly we have some skilled humorists here on SS, but as this is/was a compo thread, would it not make more sense to start a new thread devoted to humorus poetry?

Just a thought...

No, it wouldn't make more sense in this case to start a new thread. This is a reminder for people that the deadline for the current competition found in the link above is still open.

Contest Opens: Aug 15, 2014

Deadline: Apr 01, 2015

That competition is held each year, which is why the original post dates back somewhat in time.

Giving a competition thread a bump up as a reminder is often done here, so this is perfectly within the norms of how things work at Stories Space.
Quote by gypsy
Quote by authorised1960
Clearly we have some skilled humorists here on SS, but as this is/was a compo thread, would it not make more sense to start a new thread devoted to humorus poetry?

Just a thought...

No, it wouldn't make more sense in this case to start a new thread. This is a reminder for people that the deadline for the current competition found in the link above is still open.

Contest Opens: Aug 15, 2014

Deadline: Apr 01, 2015

That competition is held each year, which is why the original post dates back somewhat in time.

Giving a competition thread a bump up as a reminder is often done here, so this is perfectly within the norms of how things work at Stories Space.

Oops! My bad...

I ndidn't read the OP properly...

My humble apologies...
Rest in Peace

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...