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Anagrams - Give or Take

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Ok me stoopid ..but I have lost the plot of this thread now

Dribble - Bridle
Quote by etairay
Ok me stoopid ..but I have lost the plot of this thread now

Dribble - Bridle

No, you are far from stupid, but very clever use of the rules to change stupid to stoopid, well done!

Here, this makes as much sense as anything does in this thing:

Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by gypsy
Quote by gypsy
Cripes, Andrew! Deceptively simple doesn't even start to describe it, you cheeky ******* (affectionate term that sounds like "harsted" but deleted because you know I love you).

Begin ---> Reign

Does this work and fall under the terms of the game? I changed one letter, switched out the order - that means a letter was left out AND one added.

I'm not sure I'm getting this right, mate.

Nope, I totally got it wrong.

Add a letter, or subtract a letter, and mess up the order of same.

So an acceptable word would be of six or four letters for the first response. Right?

So, however you do it, the gist is basically to make an anagram with an extra letter in the word, or a letter taken away from the word. You can anagram then add/subtract, or subtract/add then anagram, whichever works, really.

Oops, gusss I should play, too!

Ingrown > Rowing.

The previous post to yours was way totally completely OFF the grid. Should have been disqualified as she went from a 4 letter word to one with 7.

These things drive me bonkers, I try to keep to the rules as stated and instead it's like a slippery slope with black ice and an oil spill and no brakes on the car.

So leaving aside the perfectly legitimate charge of poor and pathetic metaphors, what now, in this series? Back up to before the infraction, or...
Give this thing a new lease on life, using the word...


And henceforth, wel try and follow the rules, right?

Chasing Dragons
Dispute - Upside

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

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Chasing Dragons
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"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

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Chasing Dragons
Quote by EyeOfTheBeholder
Pasted - E.Dates

Correct me if I'm wrong but this one has removed a letter, added a letter and a full stop (Period) and then shuffled. Sooo... 'Dates' would be the correct word?

Dates - Sedate

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
Sedate - Headset
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