When is the best time for characters to say I love you to each other? I am curious to see when people think it is too soon for the characters to say it to each other.
To overly simplify it, it should be said when the time is right. When is the time right? When the events or actions in the story dictate it. For example, a husband/father coming home from war, might scoop up his child, tell them he loves them, then do the same with his wife, and this could happen right at the start of the story. A newly founded couple could say it once a special event has taken place, like their first date, which could be halfway through the story, or they might never say it at all.
I was wondering about everyone's opinion based on a high school couple who have their first date fairly quickly after meeting each other
I think that's a different ballpark then, because do the people mean it? I say I love you to people all the time and so does my girlfriend, but we don't mean it in the "I want to be with you for the rest of my life" kind of way. "I love you" is something you say to friends. Also, for high school couples, you may say "I love you" long before you actually love the person.
But if you are looking for the actual time in which to say and to mean it, I would argue that once you have been boyfriend/girlfriend (or boyfriend/boyfriend girlfriend/girlfriend) for at least a few months, then you can say it and mean it. Again, however, since they are in highschool, it is easy for them to confuse lust for love - I don't know if that's part of your story - but you can take it into consideration.
Thank you Gypsy. That was the sort of thing I was thinking I was just wondering what others thoughts were on it.