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Research on Unicorns

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Hey Everybody! Could i get some help? I have to write a paper on the history and legends of Unicorns. If you could point me to some reliable books or websites I would greatly appreciate it. smile I know this is asking a lot, but I just need help getting started.
~purple addict~
I can't really point you to any books or websites, but I can tell you a little of what I know, form legends that I've heard over the years. Good lord, that makes me sound OLD! Anyway:

Legend has it that there is only one unicorn in the world, and its horn has healing powers. In giving up its horn, it dies, but a new one takes its place. That is why the unicorn is known to be immortal. For the same reason, it is also the symbol of death and rebirth. I've always thought it was an error that it was white, because despite it being pure, it should be black because in many cultures, the colour black is the colour of death and rebirth.

Just about every culture has a legend, or set of legends, about unicorns. They tend to capture the heart and imagination of people.

This site seems to be a decent resource:
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