Wabi-sabi (侘寂) is the beauty of things that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”.
Wabi is the quality of a rustic, yet refined, solitary beauty. Sabi means things whose beauty stems from age - the patina of age, and the concept that changes due to use may make an object more beautiful and valuable.
As things come and go, they show signs of their coming or going and these signs are considered to be beautiful.
Jayus (Indonesian) – A joke so poorly told and so unfunny that one cannot help but laugh.
La’appel du vide (French): Literally translated to “the call of the void”; contextually used to describe the instinctive urge to jump from high places.
Plain-spoken-speaks directly; blunt.
Plain-spoken is usually confused with being a b****. Just know plain-spoken has facts and straight to the point.
Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen -Atticus
Fernweh (German): Feeling homesick for a place you have never been to.
supercilious: adj. behaving as if you are better than other people, and that their opinions, beliefs, or ideas are not important:
Nonessential- not absolutely necessary
Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen -Atticus
Pulchritude-- I had never seen this word but recently ran across it in two stories. It sounds like such an ugly word but means the opposite. Physical beauty.
Gökotta (Swedish): To wake up early in the morning with the purpose of going outside to hear the first birds sing.
Iktsuarpok (Inuit): The feeling of anticipation that leads you to keep looking outside to see if anyone is coming.