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What's your passion?

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Forum Facilitator
Simple really. Apart from writing, what are you passionate about? I'm passionate about music and food.

I love music for the way it can evoke so many feelings, how a certain song or piece can bring back memories. The way it makes me feel when I'm playing one of my instruments is pretty amazing as well. When I come up with that perfect riff... that's what all the effort was worth.

The same goes for cooking, I guess. I love how a certain dish can evoke emotions and memories, even just the smell of the dish, or the look of an empty casserole dish, waiting to be filled can make me smile. The eating of a lovingly prepared meal and the look upon people's faces when they are appreciating it is all the thanks I need when I prepare a meal, which admittedly isn't very often, but it's nice when I do, to be appreciated and praised.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
I am a passionate healer as it were. I nurture and tend to those around me. I cared for many members of my family and also tend (as a volunteer) at the VA hospitals and clinics that I live near. My passions revolve around the people that I consider heroes. My country and my soldiers and vets are my passion! The men and women of the fire departments, police and EMS persons as well! The unsung, ignored or reviled heroes of this nation that protect and defend us and give us the very rights we use to disrespect and or use against them! I have made it my mission to remind those ungrateful and disillusioned people of the ones that give them all they have! That is my passion!
Family and friends. And to end the misogyny that is endemic to so many countries.
Active Ink Slinger

Active Ink Slinger
Music performance. Nothing, but absolutely nothing, makes me feel bettter than knowing I played well, no matter what instrument, or in what venue. (except alone, when there's no one else to hear it - there's no particular joy or excitement in that - it's just practice)
"Any book not worth reading twice was not worth reading the first time." Oscar Wilde
Active Ink Slinger
My much to exclusion that i can and have ignored myself too..... and books......i love reading fiction....
and yes.... romance is my
Love baking....but now its just my two kids and their wants!!
My children.. They light up my world, they are my world.
Elephants... I adore them, they are such intelligent gentle creatures. One of my favourite places to be is with them in the bush.
My art... I have an unquenchable need to paint, I get agitated when I cant... I'm sure writers feel like that about their writing too
Active Ink Slinger
Outside of writing,

I love films; they are probably one of my biggest passions. I love to watch films, and lose myself in them. I really don’t care what they’re about as long as they are done well. I own over three hundred of them, and watch them all the time.

Of course my other and probably my biggest are my two nieces. They are my world, and I can’t get enough of them. If I could spend all my time with them, I would. They give me something no one else can.
Active Ink Slinger
I am passionate about photography. I like the ability to draw with light. To express how I feel through a visible medium.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
I love to read allot, but I do love to collect photos. I started collecting since I was 10 years old and that was long before the internet came along. So I did it the old fashioned way by clipping them out of magazines and newspapers. Now with the internet all I have to do is click and save, what a wonderful thing the computer age is sometimes.
brandy buttered pecan cheese cake
Forum Facilitator
Only two now.. my GF and my grandson...
Rookie Scribe
My passion lies in cooking, writing, and entertaining. I think that all three go hand in hand, now to figure out the career path and I am set to go.
Forum Facilitator
What am I most passionate about? The one thing that is that has been in short supply in my recent history. The one thing I desire the most. I crave it with even ounce of my being. I need it to complete me, restore my soul, refresh my spirit. It's the one all consuming thought I have throughout my daily existence. If only I could have more... ZZZZZzzzzzz... ZZZZZzzzzzz... ZZZZZzzzzzz... ZZZZZzzzzzz... Oh, I'm sorry, what were we talking about?
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Rookie Scribe
Music, reading, driving, and my friends are all passions of mine outside of writing. I also really love food, and wine and beer, but I'm very selective about those.

Can I say I'm passionate about living? I love experiencing life too. There's so much to do! biggrin
National Novel Writing Month participant 2009-2013, winner 2009-2012
Senior at Michigan State University
Advanced Wordsmith
My Passion...People! Nothing I like better than to meet new people. I love to find out about their lives and their hopes and dreams. Encouraging others, is one of the most simple pleasures of life.
Active Ink Slinger
My family.
Then, my photography.
Singing, although I don't think I'm very good..
Forum Facilitator
Quote by forgotten_love
Singing, although I don't think I'm very good..

I'm quite possibly the worst singer in the world. Or one of them; I know a few who are worse. Point is, if you're having fun, it doesn't matter how bad or good you are. I say have at it!
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
I must say, it's a tie between writing, singing, baking and loving ^.^

how 'bout I just say: living ... and leave it at that.

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Advanced Wordsmith
I love to write but i also like these things very much:

1. I love to bake
2. I love to cook
3. I love to go on thrilling rides, especially roller coasters. The scarier the better.
Advanced Wordsmith
I love music
i love to listen to it
i love to play it (on piano only biggrin)
and i love to (try to) sing it.
Life exists. Or it doesn't. Who knows?
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
I love taking photos of places I go
Writing, like the majority you all have said. But I'm in love with snowboarding and ballet.
Driving along those breathtaking roads in the mountains.