What a long weekend it is gonna be.
being hopeful// lot of friendsand family are facing some tough times ..so I worry and pray
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What a wonderful day this turned out to be. Had a really bad battle with a really high sugar levels, so feeling very tired today,, But what a wonderful/beautiful day!!
I am really happy that I can depend on my friends
My friend Rebs and Justine
Friends should be friends.
I think I just talk to much...
Ugh these new members are frustrating me. Do they not read where it says that this site is for 16+. That means people underage kids are on here. My goodness I need pain meds for this headache.
Jury duty, leave me alone!
Why people say ugly things when they are mad or hurt or angry.
Friday isnt shaping up to good.
So much to do ,and not doing any of it.