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What did happen to you today?

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while at work a special friend "blew me away" with a song she said honoured my Debbie and my love for her.
bless her heart!!! it's the small things what makes me realize how blessed I am with a wonderful
circle of friends

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriesDragon
Got thrashed at marbles by the 9 year old tiger!! I taught her too well, me thinks.

Get you some 'steelies'...they are steel ball bearings! You use them for your shooter.


Dtr. made the decision and puppy is on her way back to the breeder where she came from. It's not right by the animal to expect her to live her life caged / crated all day long and then most of the night too. This is a Weim Puppy and full of energy. Hopefully somebody else can train / retrain her and make a good home for her....she IS a sweet Pup when asleep. What did happen to me today? ... I switched vehicles so the Pup could go away! Also helped my former boss move an 18wheeler from repair garage back to headquarters.

Active Ink Slinger
started splitting up some wood from a tree I had cut down earlier in the year...about 1/2 finished with job.
Active Ink Slinger
Regraded a gravel driveway for former boss.
Active Ink Slinger
Did laundry and found twenty two cents. Can you buy anything for twenty two cents? If I find about a quarter every time I do laundry, in about ten weeks I will be able to buy a pack of cigarettes. Things are to damn expensive. I went to a dollar store last week and bought a pack of four ink pens. They charged me two dollars. It was marked two dollars, but I thought it was a dollar store. I asked them if I could just buy two of the four pens for a dollar. They called me a senile old shithead, told me I was a troublemaker, and threw me out. Shouldn't the store be called a two-dollar store. I don't understand.

You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Active Ink Slinger
Not so much as "DID", but more of "WILL" happen today --> The yard will get mowed A-G-A-I-N!!. A three hour chore of steady tractor work!!
Active Ink Slinger
Dr. appointment first thing this morning and I was 10 minutes late. Came home and made a minor repair on tractor mower deck and then "just lazy" due to lack of energy and gumption to do more.
Active Ink Slinger
Not so much today as a couple days some answers to health question(s) and a 'plan' to deal with it. TODAY...I will be my usual lazy self and accommodate the madam with doing a few light chores around the house.

Active Ink Slinger
Today my video card stopped functioning properly. I have a very powerful PC and it can be temperamental. I took it apart and discovered that inside it was filthy and dusty. I took it all apart and cleaned it. Put it back together with no parts left over. Turned it on and the video card was back and it is working fine. So one more thing I need to do periodically. At least I know how to break and fix my PC. Now on to smaller and less important things like e-mail.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by frogprince
Today my video card stopped functioning properly. I have a very powerful PC and it can be temperamental. I took it apart and discovered that inside it was filthy and dusty. I took it all apart and cleaned it. Put it back together with no parts left over. Turned it on and the video card was back and it is working fine. So one more thing I need to do periodically. At least I know how to break and fix my PC. Now on to smaller and less important things like e-mail.

I am so disheartened by this. You have put a BIG threat on the brotherhood of males that do NOT read instructions, etc. I'm SO SHOCKED and dismayed!!
Active Ink Slinger
Went to my two college classes today. very very boring.
~purple addict~
Rest in Peace
i held a miracle in my hands
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ravenpearl
i held a miracle in my hands

You must have held a baby in your hands / arms.
Packed my bags... headed for Lamu Island in the morning
Forum Facilitator
Quote by AriesDragon
Packed my bags... headed for Lamu Island in the morning

nice that you go and relax

woke to the birds singing and the sun shining
cant ask for a better start of my day

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

Rest in Peace
heard those same birds as the sun came up here in the south
Active Ink Slinger
Started to "Sanitize" the yard today...that (for me at least) means mowing in the same direction and blowing clippings, leaves etc. towards the edge of the job. Takes nearly twice as long...was on tractor for nearly 4 hours. I've got another hour's work to do as "regular mowing" out behind the shop and barn.
Forum Facilitator
I was walking home from shopping and stopped to adjust my music and reply to an IM. Next minute, one of my old workmates, Boyd, sneaks up behind me and we walk for a bit, talking about crap. Then, I meet two more of my ex workmates, Raymo (who is also the drummer in a band called Psyko Dalek, look 'em up they are pretty damned good) and Fauldsy. Again, we walked and talked, and I noticed the first thing I said to all of them, was that I'd been writing a lot lately. I then noticed that once I got home. It does seem to be the first thing I mention when I meet someone. How odd.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
A google maps car passed me today as I walked the dogs... that is one bizarre car...
Rest in Peace
coffee steaming sitting on the porch enjoying the crisp clear air this morning
Active Ink Slinger
Neighbor/cousin gone for a week or so...I just decided to mow his yard. Its every bit as much yard as my own and "takes awhile" to mow. While doing that, stopped a couple times to visit with other neighbors...I was out of the house for over 4 hours ... "doing something". Today has been VERY pleasant to be outside.

OUCH...just realized now (as I'm writing this) that I still haven't finished my own yard from yesterday. Oh well..since I'm retired, I'll do it another day.
listened to the tear gas canisters being shot
Rest in Peace
relaxing on ym front porch watching the rain clouds come in..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriesDragon
listened to the tear gas canisters being shot

frightening, I'm sure. Keep low. How close to you?
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
sick of hearing talk about someone 17 being in a relationship with someone 30. if they are its probably only a cyber relationship but if its not and the police find out .. well i wouldnt want to be in there shoes... it doesnt matter if they are only a few months away from 18 the law wont care. But its there business no-one elses...
Forum Facilitator
nothing much.. only made a life-changing decision.. and at my age all you can do is hitch up your big boy pants and take the first step..
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Enjoyed some quality time with my best friend. It was a fun day
I did som work on my novels, read afew books, andmiss my sweet friends (You know who you are) andslept off and on
Active Ink Slinger
stayed out in my shop today...picking up tools and straightening stuff...also a couple or three long phone visits with friends. Shop is A/C'd and it was NICE!!