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What are you listening to right now?

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Active Ink Slinger

Birds chirping outside ..plane yonder ..household coming alive ..neighborhood is one with the morning yes thank you Lord!

Chasing Dragons

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger

My lil Canes being their unique special selves heart the joy of having them over ..nice treat

Active Ink Slinger

Birds chirping ..a car starting up ..neighbours ..I think my Dad somewhere in the house

Active Ink Slinger

Movie on TV

Crazy old ape

The endless thrum of my office's stupid bloody HVAC. Let's freeze him to death, then when there's icicles on his nose, roast him alive! Yay!😨

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Active Ink Slinger

Music ..clear my head, ease my soul, soothe my inner beast

Active Ink Slinger

Movie on tv ..girls chatting while cleaning up

Active Ink Slinger

Bird chirping ..plane yonder ..soft music ..wind blowing outside

Active Ink Slinger

Listening and singing along to music lol trying to block out the sissy's voice ..yeah yeah ..shhhh go away

Active Ink Slinger

Family chatter on the big screen lol ..cray cray family singing along

Active Ink Slinger

Live podcast on TV biggrin I wonder ..I should change the channel ..heehee

Chasing Dragons

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons

Manfred Mann - 5,4,3,2,1.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger

Music on the TV ..Dad vacuuming his car biggrin ..Sissy making herself a cuppa

Active Ink Slinger

Birds chirping ..neighbour car on the TV

Active Ink Slinger

Rugby game on TV ..Dad's contribution to the commentary lol sorry coach

Active Ink Slinger

TV - replay Rugby League World Cup 2021: New Zealand vs Jamaica

Active Ink Slinger

Rugby on the TV ..birds chirping outside

Active Ink Slinger

Birds chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, squirrels as they frolic in the leaves

Active Ink Slinger

Rugby on the TV - WRWC 2021: New Zealand vs Scotland