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Things that aren't any more and should be

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I miss all those shops that used to sell scoops of icecream in a cone. Are there any other things that aren't there anymore that should be?
That loal mom and pop toy shop...the ones that also had the 5cent chocolate or ice cream bars

Does anyone remember those?

They had a small diner counter too

Safeway's Bubble gum ice cream.
Human interaction and i mean not as passerbys, but polite talking and making friend that isnt sending a friend request
Banana split, yes please!!

Common courtesy and basic good manners....
to truly trust and be trusted
to say what u mean and mean what u say
to be able to take someones word without question
to believe
to have faith
to be one self
basic human decency and humanity.
To be able to simply believe
like a child does in Santa Clause
for the truth may have won from the tale
but it really still feels like a loss
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
When the virtues and beliefs taught to children such as respect and responsibilitu meant something.

Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by the_enchantress

Who says i am talking about you? But now that you meantion it, get over yourself. Youxre being an insifferable child thinking everything else is to blame for your own problems that everything has to be about you. Mind your own buisness. Stay out mine and leave my friends alone.


Who says I was talking about you?

If I'm friends with any one your friends it's because they want to be mine.

I can friend who I want to.

Pot, meet kettle.

I can say what I want.

You're blocked from pming me, not that I'd want you too.

Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by the_enchantress

Who says i am talking about you? But now that you meantion it, get over yourself. Youxre being an insifferable child thinking everything else is to blame for your own problems that everything has to be about you. Mind your own buisness. Stay out mine and leave my friends alone.


Who says I was talking about you?

If I'm friends with any one your friends it's because they want to be mine.

I can friend who I want to.

Pot, meet kettle.

I never said you couldn't


But you suddenly said in all caps MYOB

By doing so since it was right after what i said, no one else had made a reply on here automatically assumed it was a response to what I said


Now get off your high horse and act your age. Because right now your being a damn child. It is pitiful that your letting someone get to you like you are.


What should be brought back, human respect for others and people actually talkong to each other instead of assuming shit.

trusting a friend to be there for you.
You know what I hate more than anything in this world? Immaturity. Some people, really need to grow the heck up and move one. It's time.
$1.99/gallon gas
Real conversations and get togethers with family and friends without smart phones or gadgets around going off .... just talking face to face having a great time
Jiffy Pop Popcorn. You cooked it over the stove and its top portion grew as the popcorn popped. I liked it a lot. With microwave popcorn, Jiffy Pop has disappeared.

You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Drive in theaters, none left where I live.

"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Quote by CKAcres
Drive in theaters, none left where I live.

We still have a drive-in in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Of course it is closed in the winter, but when it is open it plays great full-length double features of front-run movies. It is an all-night experience. Wish I could convince my wife to go to one and fool-around like we used to. Just making out; do not be dirty minded now.

I miss the kids being able to go out and play. Going house to house, down the street, to the park, or anywhere more than 10' from their front yard without needing adults to spoil their fun. Now kids have play date. OMG, I would have died inside with so little freedom, but I guess the world is getting used to less and less freedom.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
free meals and alcohol on flights. Yep, you used to get them for free, folks.

and more legroom. Now it's like sardines in a can.
Getting your own condiments at certain places.

Now you have to ask for salt, sugar, pepper, creamer, to go ketchup packets, certain fast food places.

Yeah, I need 6 creamers and a bunch of sugars for my coffee, cheapskates.