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The Random Poem Thread

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Dancing With the Devil
I saw the devil and he smiled at me.
He grinned back like he knew what I was thinking.
I said, "Hey, did you come to take me away Mr. Devil?"
He replied: "No, I only came to dance with you."
He took my hand, kissed it and gave me a twirl.
We danced under the moonlight,
Cheek to cheek to imaginary music.
He was very handsome and whispered in my ear,
All the wonderful things he wanted to do to me later.
His hand was strong in mine,
His hot breath was upon my neck.
He charmed me and bewitched me to my core.
We danced and kissed so deeply
Beneath the trees along the lake.
His eyes pierced my soul, looking deep within,
My heartbeat raced as I fell in love with him.
I danced with the devil, dancing face to face,
Cheek to cheek in beautiful rhapsody.
He left with me breathless as we went to my place
Where we made sweet love until the sun came up.
He left the next morning and my body tingled
Like never before.
He had set me on fire,
I never saw him again except in memory.
I'll never forget my romantic dance with the devil.
Quote by the_enchantress
Dancing With the Devil

Borderline soft-porn, Miss Margot

Nice one. xx
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by the_enchantress
Dancing With the Devil

Borderline soft-porn, Miss Margot

Nice one. xx

Thank you.nowhere near porn though.

Quote by the_enchantress
Dancing With the Devil

Margot, this brings to mind a French folk song called Les Trois Hommes en Noir - Three Men Wearing Black.

It tells the story of a bride who is abducted at her wedding by three men wearing black, during the wedding dance.

The next day, while the bridegroom is in his garden, the Devil dressed as a cavalier approachs him, and enquires as to how the wedding celebrations were. The young bridegroom tells him that his bride was abducted by three men in black. The devil tells him to put his foot on his in the stirrup, and that he will bring him to see his bride, and that no-one can prevent this.

They arrive in hell where the bridegroom see his bride, and asks her if he is the cause of her being there. She tells him no, it isn't his fault, but that of her three brothers, who had forced from her a vow to never marry. Showing him the ring on her finger, she begs him to not remove it, or her throat will be cut. If the ring isn't removed, she will stay in hell for three months and a few weeks, but if it is removed, she shall be there for all time.

Both the song and your poem send shivers down my spine - in a good way!

I looked for the lyrics on-line, but couldn't find them, but did find a rendition of the song on YouTube. In French.

Take some Advice
Learn to be nice
And stop being mean
Because your not a teen.
And being a hypocrite isn't fun
Nor should it be ever done
Your not innocent
Not even the littlest.
Hypocrisy's Nemesis

The face you show to the world is false
A deceit intended to mislead;
To draw in the innocent
So that you can manipulate
And corrupt to your evil ends
I see you; I see your artifice.
I will expose you, expose your fraud
And your deviancy.
The face you show to the world
Is not the face I see
For I am your Nemesis:
Your exposure is my mission
Your defeat the ultimate conclusion.
Be afraid, Hypocrisy
Your days are numbered.
Quote by gypsy
Quote by the_enchantress
Dancing With the Devil

Margot, this brings to mind a French folk song called Les Trois Hommes en Noir - Three Men Wearing Black.

It tells the story of a bride who is abducted at her wedding by three men wearing black, during the wedding dance.

The next day, while the bridegroom is in his garden, the Devil dressed as a cavalier approachs him, and enquires as to how the wedding celebrations were. The young bridegroom tells him that his bride was abducted by three men in black. The devil tells him to put his foot on his in the stirrup, and that he will bring him to see his bride, and that no-one can prevent this.

They arrive in hell where the bridegroom see his bride, and asks her if he is the cause of her being there. She tells him no, it isn't his fault, but that of her three brothers, who had forced from her a vow to never marry. Showing him the ring on her finger, she begs him to not remove it, or her throat will be cut. If the ring isn't removed, she will stay in hell for three months and a few weeks, but if it is removed, she shall be there for all time.

Both the song and your poem send shivers down my spine - in a good way!

I looked for the lyrics on-line, but couldn't find them, but did find a rendition of the song on YouTube. In French.

thank you Gypsy. I really like it too. very different from all else I ever wrote.

I will listen to this. Thank you for posting it.

How funny that I can see,
that you have blocked me.
Must make you so glad,
because I made you so mad.
All because of an unreasonable fight,
you gave it all your might.
But what is this that I spy?
Because I kept an cautious eye.
Unblocked, that's isn't right.
But I'll keep my wall up alright?
After a day, blocked once again.
What game are you playing?
Once more I am unblocked.
You think I'll remove the padlock?
You're mistaken, I won't take advantage.
bombing stories is wrong for any age.
but I know that is what you planned,
because you won't let this madness end.
How insulting that you do not see,
that I will never treat you the way you treat me.
How sad that you decided to attack,
with me and the wall to my back.
Did you really think I would back down?
and let you make me a clown?
how can you sit idly by?
Giving advice to others and I ask why.
shouldn't you follow it yourself.
but no you keep to yourself.
And as much as I want to say go to hell.
I think about it and well.
what would that prove in the end?
other then we were no longer friends.
But that was already established, we can't get along.
So don't get me wrong.
Forum Facilitator
Rebellion can claim a new leader.
Life tried and just cannot beat her.
She stands up so tall..
Rises after every fall..
It doesn't matter at all how you treat her.

She knows victory always rises within.
She's as strong as she has ever been.
Was always her goal..
You can't say her name without a grin.
Forum Facilitator
There was bedtime,
then there were snuggles,
then sweet dreams,
but after that it was all shattered.

Cold morning air hit me,
I grumbled,
the peace was gone.
Morning has broken
and so has my temper.

Don't look at me,
don't breathe,
don't do anything abrupt.

Morning, you heartless cow,
I don't like you.
I'd rather be in my bed,
snuggled with my Kitten.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
My Star
You are my star and constellation
I have been looking all of my life.
I searched the horizons,
My soul so alone.
I longed for you all this time.
Searching through every crack and crevice.,
Finding no one and nothing.
I hungered for the impossible, the unattainable.
I got lost in the shadows,
Loving the darkness, never finding light.
Drowning in infinite pain,
Always reminded how alone I was
All that time.
One night you wrote to me, intrigued,
Out of the blue.
You liked what you saw and read,
You could understand where I came from.
I looked again at the immense sky,
Saw you hurdling to me like lightening.
You are my star, my love, what
I've waited for all my life.
You shine brighter than any diamond,
And you're worth more than all
The gold in the world.
Your heart I love, my star.
I keep you constantly close to me,
Holding you deep within.
I'm so glad I found you,
I can finally stop searching.
What I looked for I finally found,
Making you my permanent home.
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!
Just because you are not loved
Or you love deeply, you needn't tell me
What to write or whom to share with. Don't tell me
To shut up about it.
I am free to tell the world who I love
Or why.
Don't like it? Don't read it.
That's very petty.
I hate when there is jealousy.
Or whatever the heck you're feeling.
Bitter does NOT look good on you!!
Everyone supported you when you
Talk about your childhood and your mother,
So don't be hypocritical.
Quote by the_enchantress
Just because you are not loved
Or you love deeply, you needn't tell me
What to write or whom to share with. Don't tell me
To shut up about it.
I am free to tell the world who I love
Or why.
Don't like it? Don't read it.
That's very petty.
I hate when there is jealousy.
Or whatever the heck you're feeling.
Bitter does NOT look good on you!!
Everyone supported you when you
Talk about your childhood and your mother,
So don't be hypocritical.

Maybe you should take your own advice, Margot.

This response is nasty, personal and incredibly childish.

I hope you are proud of yourself.
If you can't beat them...

Another Poem of Love

My breath catches in my throat
And my heart misses a beat
It happens every single time
That we two lovers meet
Your beauty defies description
Yet you seem so unaware
Of the effect you have on people:
How many simply stop and stare
It makes me proud to know that I
Am the lover you come home to
And I revel in the sheer joy of
Being so much in love with you
There is not a moment goes by
That you are not on my mind
You are so special, so wonderful;
So adorable, so loving, so kind.
Every minute we are together
My love for you just grows
You are perfection in every way
From your head down to your toes
I cannot believe how lucky I am
To have found such happiness
After so many years of being alone
And so much misery and loneliness
I have given you my all; my everything
I have trusted you with my heart
I know that we are meant to be
And that nothing will drive us apart
Together we are unbeatable
We are two come together as one
Our journey through the rest of our lives
Has only just begun
Thank you for sharing yourself with me
You mean so much to me I have to say
That I will cherish and honour you, always
And tell you “I Love You” every single day.

Quote by authorised1960
Quote by the_enchantress
Just because you are not loved
Or you love deeply, you needn't tell me
What to write or whom to share with. Don't tell me
To shut up about it.
I am free to tell the world who I love
Or why.
Don't like it? Don't read it.
That's very petty.
I hate when there is jealousy.
Or whatever the heck you're feeling.
Bitter does NOT look good on you!!
Everyone supported you when you
Talk about your childhood and your mother,
So don't be hypocritical.

Maybe you should take your own advice, Margot.

This response is nasty, personal and incredibly childish.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

yours was mean and childish.

Big chip on your shoulder.

big bloody whoop

who cares who I love???

don't like it? don't read it.

I never asked for YOUR opinion.

not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by the_enchantress
Just because you are not loved
Or you love deeply, you needn't tell me
What to write or whom to share with. Don't tell me
To shut up about it.
I am free to tell the world who I love
Or why.
Don't like it? Don't read it.
That's very petty.
I hate when there is jealousy.
Or whatever the heck you're feeling.
Bitter does NOT look good on you!!
Everyone supported you when you
Talk about your childhood and your mother,
So don't be hypocritical.

Maybe you should take your own advice, Margot.

This response is nasty, personal and incredibly childish.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

yours was mean and childish.

Big chip on your shoulder.

big bloody whoop

who cares who I love???

don't like it? don't read it.

I never asked for YOUR opinion.

not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write

Margot my dear,
Your poems are sincere,
You inspire so many,
By showing love, without fear,
An example for all,
On that, let's be clear.

To speak of one's love,
To lay one's soul bare,
Takes courage and heart,
With fortitude, you dare.

Never cynical you be,
despite adversity,
Keep on as you are,
Love and support are quite near.
Quote by gypsy
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by the_enchantress
Just because you are not loved
Or you love deeply, you needn't tell me
What to write or whom to share with. Don't tell me
To shut up about it.
I am free to tell the world who I love
Or why.
Don't like it? Don't read it.
That's very petty.
I hate when there is jealousy.
Or whatever the heck you're feeling.
Bitter does NOT look good on you!!
Everyone supported you when you
Talk about your childhood and your mother,
So don't be hypocritical.

Maybe you should take your own advice, Margot.

This response is nasty, personal and incredibly childish.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

yours was mean and childish.

Big chip on your shoulder.

big bloody whoop

who cares who I love???

don't like it? don't read it.

I never asked for YOUR opinion.

not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write

Margot my dear,
Your poems are sincere,
You inspire so many,
By showing love, without fear,
An example for all,
On that, let's be clear.

To speak of one's love,
To lay one's soul bare,
Takes courage and heart,
With fortitude, you dare.

Never cynical you be,
despite adversity,
Keep on as you are,
Love and support are quite near.

Thank you, gypsy.

That's really lovely what you wrote. Thanks for your support.
I'm not changing for anyone.

I dare and dream, no matter the outcome or cost.
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.

Cake sounds nice
and much better than death.
I have some tea,
I shall share with thee.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.

Cake sounds nice
and much better than death.
I have some tea,
I shall share with thee.

Tea and cakes, yes yes please do.
With krimpets and finger food too.
Now the chocolate pudding dont mind if i do.
How nice to share a meal with you.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.

Cake sounds nice
and much better than death.
I have some tea,
I shall share with thee.

Tea and cakes, yes yes please do.
With krimpets and finger food too.
Now the chocolate pudding dont mind if i do.
How nice to share a meal with you.

Marmalade today was made,

Lemon and lime, it's really quite good,

On toast, buttered bread if you please,

Or spread on cake, it would also suffice.
Quote by gypsy
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.

Cake sounds nice
and much better than death.
I have some tea,
I shall share with thee.

Tea and cakes, yes yes please do.
With krimpets and finger food too.
Now the chocolate pudding dont mind if i do.
How nice to share a meal with you.

Marmalade today was made,

Lemon and lime, it's really quite good,

On toast, buttered bread if you please,

Or spread on cake, it would also suffice.

A nice picnic in the park,
Under the lofty canopy of trees,
In the shaded patio with cushions,
Or maybe by a shallow stream?

How nice it is to be,
surrounded by friends.
And the fun won't ever end,
well at least not to me.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by gypsy
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am getting a head ache.
How many fights can you make?
Why don't we just eat cake.
I have some I hand baked.

Cake sounds nice
and much better than death.
I have some tea,
I shall share with thee.

Tea and cakes, yes yes please do.
With krimpets and finger food too.
Now the chocolate pudding dont mind if i do.
How nice to share a meal with you.

Marmalade today was made,

Lemon and lime, it's really quite good,

On toast, buttered bread if you please,

Or spread on cake, it would also suffice.

A nice picnic in the park,
Under the lofty canopy of trees,
In the shaded patio with cushions,
Or maybe by a shallow stream?

How nice it is to be,
surrounded by friends.
And the fun won't ever end,
well at least not to me.

Life is but a Dream, written by Lewis Carroll

A boat, beneath a sunny sky
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July

Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear

Long has paled that sunny sky;
Echoes fade and memories die;
Autumn frosts have slain July.

Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.

Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.

In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die;

Ever drifting down the stream
Lingering in the golden gleam
Life, what is it but a dream?

yours was mean and childish.
Big chip on your shoulder.
big bloody whoop
who cares who I love???
don't like it? don't read it.
I never asked for YOUR opinion.
not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that that poem is about YOU??? My God, your conceit is boundless!

If I have anything to say about your work - or anybody else's for that matter - I make my comments on the work or in a private message. I DO NOT take to the public forums to air my grievances, unlike some...

MY poem was a gentle dig at the plethora of love poems that have appeared on the site recently, which even I have been guilty of adding to you may recall. How dare you have the nerve to ASSUME that I was having a personal dig at you just because my post followed yours?

If you re-read the poem you will see it is a generalised poke at all the poems, NOT at you, not at anybody in particular, unlike your responses to me. You've over-reacted, not for the first time.
Forum Facilitator
Andy.. do you have an off-switch? You go into every thread and find a way to antagonize someone. It is really getting tiresome. You are the epitome of a troll and while you may have friends here, your options for making more are dwindling. As a long time member of SS, I am requesting that you tone down your rhetoric, focus on the topic of the thread, generally keep your comments to yourself unless invited, and lastly, be respectful to other members here. We have earned it.

Thank you for your cooperation.
And we are back
It has been three months
A new contester has taken the plate.
The love sick lady taken the bait.
Oh wait...
Sorry I got it reversed.
Oh well doesn't matter.
I'm going to watch this out there.
Where It is safe and clear.
And watch as the battle starts here,
Say would anyone like a beer?
I hope you both know what You're doing.
Because I am sick of fighting
But this peace your unwinding.
Will be back when your done whining.
Both unreasonable, hot headed, opinionated.
Just like me.
Just don't actually try and kill each other.
Not good for the reviews.
I had my bouts with her.
I had my fight with him.
And really, neitger side wins.

What happens when they fight?
Well that is a dreaded site.
Someone here this plite.

And make it stop.
Quote by authorised1960

yours was mean and childish.
Big chip on your shoulder.
big bloody whoop
who cares who I love???
don't like it? don't read it.
I never asked for YOUR opinion.
not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that that poem is about YOU??? My God, your conceit is boundless!

If I have anything to say about your work - or anybody else's for that matter - I make my comments on the work or in a private message. I DO NOT take to the public forums to air my grievances, unlike some...

MY poem was a gentle dig at the plethora of love poems that have appeared on the site recently, which even I have been guilty of adding to you may recall. How dare you have the nerve to ASSUME that I was having a personal dig at you just because my post followed yours?

If you re-read the poem you will see it is a generalised poke at all the poems, NOT at you, not at anybody in particular, unlike your responses to me. You've over-reacted, not for the first time.

I'm quite humble actually. It's a swipe at all who wrote a love poem. Why is love so offensive to you?you're so abrasive, Andy. The number of people who like you are dwindling. Anyone can write any write what they wish.they should not be looked down upon it for doing so. Maybe SS or the internet is not for you.

obviously you can't handle coming here because it's not the andy show.

aren't you tired from.being offended by everything and everyone all the time?