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Say something nice about yourself

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There's enough hate and negativity in this world. So I'm making this topic so everyone can just say one random thing they like about themselves and feel good about it.

For instance, I'm really good at tricking people into thinking I'm funny.


Forum Facilitator
Hmmmm.. I'm thinking.. still thinking.. ahhhh.. I have one.. my friends are cool..
I am teaching my children certain life skills that will have them
see less trouble, albeit different trouble, than that which I created.

Story Moderator
All three of my grown sons have thanked me for being a great Mom, even when they were at their worst. That is truly the nicest thing to hear. You often think you are not doing a good enough job. They also thanked me for having a sarcastic and at times a totally inappropriate sense of humor. I did a good job after all. Who knew?
Primus Omnium
I like the fact that I care enough to cry at things that need being cried at. And I like that I know what those things are.
I can walk very quietly and sit very still, and don't need to be talking or moving all the time. Especially when I need to create a space of peace and calm around me, and I like that about myself.
Advanced Wordsmith
Odd, I seem to take too much time thinking what to write in here. Hmm I can sleep soundly both lying and sitting. Does that count?
LIVE every moment.
LOVE beyond words.
LAUGH everyday.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HazelsHeaven
Odd, I seem to take too much time thinking what to write in here. Hmm I can sleep soundly both lying and sitting. Does that count?

Hahaha i second demotion and to add to that I can sleep two days in a row...


My wandering crazy mind is just doodling in the sands ~ RuNe
I provide unconditional love to those closest to me, even when I myself am at my worst.
I have a relatively nice singing voice.
Active Ink Slinger
I write decently
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Active Ink Slinger
"Hey Ray! I'm still standing!" (Raging Bull)
I provide comfort to others by a simple hug.
Primus Omnium
The Executive Director of our community theatre (where I have done about six shows) told my wife I could have a walk-on part in The Music Man later this spring. With my health issues I have planned to stop auditioning for roles and taking part in the theatre goings on. What was especially striking to me was her telling my wife that I was "beloved" at the theatre. I like about myself that I had never gathered, nor assumed, that I was "beloved" and I'm actually quite proud of that.
That is AWESOME NEWS, Larry! Of COURSE you are beloved. Very much so. So happy to hear that. Pictures please, when you do the play.
I have very pretty eyes.
Active Ink Slinger
I love to make people laugh. And I like reminding everyone that they are perfect just as they are........they may get perfecter next week, but for now, they are perfect.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LarryFNigh
The Executive Director of our community theatre (where I have done about six shows) told my wife I could have a walk-on part in The Music Man later this spring. With my health issues I have planned to stop auditioning for roles and taking part in the theatre goings on. What was especially striking to me was her telling my wife that I was "beloved" at the theatre. I like about myself that I had never gathered, nor assumed, that I was "beloved" and I'm actually quite proud of that.

Made me smile. Of course you are beloved. Just ask your four legged pal, Victor.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by elizabethblack
I love to make people laugh. And I like reminding everyone that they are perfect just as they are........they may get perfecter next week, but for now, they are perfect.

I occasionally make Elizabeth laugh out loud
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
No one loves cats more than I do.
Forum Facilitator
I am not perfect, nor perfecter, but I do seem to occupy a significant amount of unnecessary space quite nicely. Or so I am told.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Forum Facilitator
I'm not around much... and probably could get an argument that it's still too often...
Quote by Dreamcatcher
I'm not around much... and probably could get an argument that it's still too often...

Opposite, actually, and I'm glad to see you drop in here.
Quote by elizabethblack
I love to make people laugh. And I like reminding everyone that they are perfect just as they are........they may get perfecter next week, but for now, they are perfect.

You're the best at that. Thanks, beautiful.
I'm a beautiful writer.
I got a beautiful soul.
I have the largest vocabulary!