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Make a new friend, with the avatar above you

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Meet and greet and possibly make friends with the avatar above you.
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
we're already friends!
Hi Maggie.

Thanks hon, I happily accepted it.
Hello my friend - it is nice to see you!
Hello my friend
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Waves hello ..... new member here .. were is the cafe please?
Hey, SSS: you will find the café if you proceed through the looking glass; you will see a white rabbit who looks extremely anxious, and if you proceed to follow him, you will reach the café. But they don't take currency or coin of any sort. You will have to sing for your supper, or coffee, or whatever. Good luck!
SSS (woot) ... that could catch on .. ok thanks .. I think when they hear me sing .. I will get a full lunch free just to stop ..
Quote by Supersexyskunk
SSS (woot) ... that could catch on .. ok thanks .. I think when they hear me sing .. I will get a full lunch free just to stop ..

Hello newby and welcome to is a complimentary cup of tea and a biscuit which I lovingly baked myself for you ...wanna be friends with me?
I'm an old hat here, but can I have some tea too?
Hope I can join you.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Hello, Roland, nice to see you. Are you a Blackhawks fan?
Hello there , how are you ? nice work done in Jabberwok
Hi Sunil, good to see you back
Hey Welsh, whats shaking?
Hi Brian
Just being a beach bum for 2 weeks
Oh beach bum is the very best vacation - do enjoy. I'm envious.
Quote by Fewniks
Hello there , how are you ? nice work done in Jabberwok

Thank you, Fewniks!

And Elizabeth and I are now friends - nice to see you!!
I'm your ghostly friend from another life
Hello Ghost of Readers past - it is nice to see you!
good morning Talia,nice to meet you.
Skipping up to Talia, nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you Simplicity
Hello Autumnlove I hope you have a wonderful July 4th celebration this weekend.

Hello SensualLady,nice to meet you,hope you have a wonderful night.