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Left or Right?

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Which hand do you write with?

I selected 'right' because I use my right most often, but I'm actually ambidextrous. If you look at the activities I do... I can write with both hands, the first step I take is always with my right foot, I throw a frisbee best with my left hand, I'm a lefty when batting in baseball/softball, I can cut with either hand (meaning I can also eat with either), and, actually, when it comes to most sports, I'm probably best with my left.

Being ambidextrous is quite useful smile

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As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

I'm a right handed although i can write with both just not as neat with my left
I am a lefty
that means I am in my right mind....hummmmmmm yea right
Righty, but fascinated by lefties, for some reason . . .
I am a righty as my dominant hand, mother made me switch from my left-handed ways long before I can
I'm right handed although I'm fairly ambidextrous and can use either hand for most things. My sister is left handed though and my handwriting using my left hand is better than hers.

I am a righty, but my wife says I am a wrongy.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.

Right but I can also write with my left. I won't say I'm ambidextrous though

Right handed.