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Challenge: The Moon

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I would like to offer the following challenge. There will be no judging and no winners or losers but let's give it a go, yes?

My Challenge:

Considering that 2019 is the Fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo Eleven mission to land the first Human Beings onto the surface of the Moon, that will be the subject.

A short story about moon travel. That is it. It can be anything so long as it involves travel to or from the Moon or anything that results therefrom.
ie. A moon base. A desire to travel to the moon. A dream, anything.

So, the rules:

1) Prefix title with Moon Challenge:
2) Between 1500 and 4000 words
3) Suitable for all ages from a minimum 13+ meaning no obscene language, no excessive violence, no sex. It can be scary to a degree.
4) It must not have been published previously, here or anywhere else.
5) Is subject to all normal site rules not covered by the above.

So, what do you think? Shall we give it a go?

Like all challenges there is no deadline so just have fun.

Current entries for the Moon Challenge as at 22nd December 2019:


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Great idea, sounds interesting... must do some thinking 🤔
Thanks, Anna. Nice of you to think of it.

Thanks, Helen and Rune, for getting a little excited about it.

Thanks, Maggie, for being kind and supportive of this pleasant little diversion.

I'll surely be thinking about it, as well.
Quote by magnificent1rascal
Thanks, Anna – this is a great challenge! Those who complete it will receive a Challenge Champ badge.

Thank you, Maggie. I am very pleased that you have taken this on board.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I'm sure this will garner lots of fabulous stories. Great idea!
Damn it. Just read the rules...

So much for writing about my butt
Quote by Ping
Damn it. Just read the rules...

So much for writing about my butt

I had you in mind when I wrote the rules!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

If Ping posterior is off limits, so to speak, then what about the following possible subjects?
1. moonshine
2 Moon Pies
3. Moon River
4 Also and in addition, New Orleans once had a mayor named 'Moon' Landrieu.

Strangely, a vast swell of approbation has not been heard. (sigh) Back to the old drawing board.

I could have sworn the brief said 250 words....

Never mind. I'll wait to see what happens.
As a longtime space geek, I am meditating on this theme. Even kicking around an idea. We shall see what comes of it.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

I’m trying very hard to think of a storyline 🤔 but my brain is in holiday mood and eating, drinking and sleeping are first priorities.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
What a great idea. I am trying to talk my brain into cooperating with coming up with an idea.

In DC they have been doing a show with projections of the moon rocket launch onto the Washington Monument. It is a wonderful, creative use of the monument and a very cool show.

You can find a video of it online.
1st draft written. I'm getting there...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I’m a little concerned about the whereabouts of the moon bunny that the astronauts left behind on the moon

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
My Moon Challenge piece is now on the front page smile
It's not a story, it's a play! Not quite sure how that happened, but hey, give it a read & see what you think

Cheers folks :)

(Erm, no link. Sorry. It won't let me copy it )
Quote by Welshdreamer42
My Moon Challenge piece is now on the front page smile
It's not a story, it's a play! Not quite sure how that happened, but hey, give it a read & see what you think

Cheers folks :)

(Erm, no link. Sorry. It won't let me copy it )

There you go, Helen and, while we're at it, here is mine too:

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Only 3 of us so far? Where are all the mooners? C'mon... after my weekly astronaut training, and duties as Alien Hunter, if I can find the time, so can others...
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Only 3 of us so far? Where are all the mooners? C'mon... after my weekly astronaut training, and duties as Alien Hunter, if I can find the time, so can others...

I hate to say this, Larry but... There are only two of us. Did you check Rule 2) above?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by Dreamcatcher
Two of you it is.

You will have another go, though... won't you?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Two of you it is.

You will have another go, though... won't you?

If you only knew how many times I've heard that... jus' sayin'...
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Two of you it is.

You will have another go, though... won't you?

If you only knew how many times I've heard that... jus' sayin'...

Quote by DenimAngel
Hi all
I think my little friend Scamp and her best friend Sparky are planning a moon adventure

That would be good. It should be great fun. I will look forward to seeing it.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by Dreamcatcher
Only 3 of us so far? Where are all the mooners? C'mon... after my weekly astronaut training, and duties as Alien Hunter, if I can find the time, so can others...

Congrats on the RR for the poem

Now for a longer piece...? Go on, you know you want to
Quote by Welshdreamer42
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Only 3 of us so far? Where are all the mooners? C'mon... after my weekly astronaut training, and duties as Alien Hunter, if I can find the time, so can others...

Congrats on the RR for the poem

Now for a longer piece...? Go on, you know you want to

Working on it...
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I would like to offer the following challenge. There will be no judging and no winners or losers but let's give it a go, yes?

My Challenge:

Considering that 2019 is the Fiftieth anniversary of the Apollo Eleven mission to land the first Human Beings onto the surface of the Moon, that will be the subject.

A short story about moon travel. That is it. It can be anything so long as it involves travel to or from the Moon or anything that results therefrom.
ie. A moon base. A desire to travel to the moon. A dream, anything.

So, the rules:

1) Prefix title with Moon Challenge:
2) Between 1500 and 4000 words
3) Suitable for all ages from a minimum 13+ meaning no obscene language, no excessive violence, no sex. It can be scary to a degree.
4) It must not have been published previously, here or anywhere else.
5) Is subject to all normal site rules not covered by the above.

So, what do you think? Shall we give it a go?

Like all challenges there is no deadline so just have fun.

I've reread the challenge rules and feel that 1500 words is near impossible (especially for Carl)... and 1500 words without sex is unbearable.