I enjoy contests. Something is missing without a struggle, without a score, without a goal, without an objective, without a definition of achievement and definitely without an award or reward or recognition. I intend to write a timely piece (roll eyes here, please) before the end of the month. I'd like it if recognition is attached to a challenge in the future (or the past or the present), anywhen would be nice.
Here's just a simple comment. Maggie made the challenge. I was one of those that accepted it. For the pure pleasure of writing. I didn't even consider that there was a badge involved. I love badges. But I surely don't write to get them in the first place. Writing is its own reward.
This isn't about being a badge whore or a Quid Pro Quo reward system. It's about trying to generate enthusiasm so other members who may not be inclined to write as much will participate more. There is a cluster of us who write fairly constantly. Me, not as much as I should. It's the same cast of characters.
So far all I've heard is "writing is its own reward" and "badges." Does anybody have any other ideas? Dinner at Maggie's? Tickets to one of Larry's dance extravaganzas? Chaffing wheat with Carl? A boat ride with Gillian?
The site should have it's "stand-alone" page and not a close resemblance to another. That is my suggestion.
Bumping this thread since many of us have recently experienced another "time warp" or will go through one soon.
I have an idea...