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Is it possible to put the same forum block over here as well? Please and thanks.
It would be nice to have people I have blocked, not quote me to be permanently blocked. Period.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by the_enchantress
It would be nice to have people I have blocked, not quote me to be permanently blocked. Period.

I think I have something working for this.
Advanced Wordsmith
Hi Gav -

It seems the friends lists and the block lists are now not showing any names. I think you fixed the same problem on the red site.

Would you be able to fix here too? I think you said it had something to do with the thumbnail images.

Gav, as much as I admire all the hard work you do around here. I find one small problem with the forum block. The way it is set up is, In my humble opinion flawed. I noticed that the block isn't two ways, as in, if I block a member I cannot see what they wrote, but they can see what I wrote.

Perhaps I am missing the point of the forum block being set up as it is. But I thought it would be more like, they can't read what I wrote either if I had someone blocked.
Quote by gav
Quote by the_enchantress
It would be nice to have people I have blocked, not quote me to be permanently blocked. Period.

I think I have something working for this.

Fabulous! Thank you!
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Gav, as much as I admire all the hard work you do around here. I find one small problem with the forum block. The way it is set up is, In my humble opinion flawed. I noticed that the block isn't two ways, as in, if I block a member I cannot see what they wrote, but they can see what I wrote.

Perhaps I am missing the point of the forum block being set up as it is. But I thought it would be more like, they can't read what I wrote either if I had someone blocked.

I've wondered this as well.

I bet I can guess the name of at least one person who has blocked me and you, Rebs
How about one where the people you have blocked can't look at your profile, stories or forum posts? That would fantastic! Permanently!
Forum Facilitator
Quote by the_enchantress
How about one where the people you have blocked can't look at your profile, stories or forum posts? That would fantastic! Permanently!

I think it would be more useful if we could actually choose the content and context in which we block people. Blocking people on the forum may seem like a great idea, but in reality, it makes me even more frustrated than when I could see the damned posts because the control of the content has been taken away from me.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by the_enchantress
How about one where the people you have blocked can't look at your profile, stories or forum posts? That would fantastic! Permanently!

I think it would be more useful if we could actually choose the content and context in which we block people. Blocking people on the forum may seem like a great idea, but in reality, it makes me even more frustrated than when I could see the damned posts because the control of the content has been taken away from me.

I think they shouldn't be allowed to see anything that you do. Period! Just blocking people isn't enough.
It seems to me that those most in favour of a 'blanket blocking system' are those who most regularly fall foul of the more pleasant members of the forums.

We ARE all adults here are we not? Why, then, is it so damn difficult for people to just get along or if they don't get along to simply IGNORE one another?

I'll tell you why: It's because there are people in the world who get off on stirring up trouble; who get of on being complete morons behind the anonymity of the internet and people who have so little else in their sad pathetic lives that they have to come here and places like SS to give themselves some sort of validity. It is those of us who actually come here for the fun, socialising and entertainment and to share our work with one another who suffer through the drivel and tripe these wasters post and the nastiness and trouble they stir up.

Instead of a blanket blocking facility perhaps a much stricter regime that does not tolerate the sort of crap that goes on around here at times should be implemented instead? Maybe then we'll ALL get the sort of site the majority of us want?
In my whole opinion in the matter, is that this is ridiculous. Yes blocking is good for your own reasons but having such extremes just because you disagree or hate someone it is so ridiculous. Isn't this suppose to be a family site. Why ask it or promote such a suggestion here of all places.

But hey, has I said it is just my opinion in the matter.
Active Ink Slinger
It bothers me that we ever need to block someone. We are all adults here, but everyone here is intelligent and often opinionated. Some people have a hard time dealing with the conflict that may ensue and use blocking as a way to remove themselves from the intellectual fray. If it is someone's choice to do that, I will not criticize. I just am hopeful it is not me being blocked. I think as a site we should provide whatever service possible (Gav knows what is possible and practical) as long as it make a member more comfortable. I personally can not imagine blocking a fellow member myself, but that is just me and I would not judge other's actions just because they are different.

Thank you Andy and Justine for your input. I agree with you in many ways, but not all. That does not make me think less of you as friends or people. I find our differences to be a good thing. Knowing you both have made me a better person. You have both improved my life with your wonderful literary work and your friendship.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Quote by rolandlytle
It bothers me that we ever need to block someone. We are all adults here, but everyone here is intelligent and often opinionated. Some people have a hard time dealing with the conflict that may ensue and use blocking as a way to remove themselves from the intellectual fray. If it is someone's choice to do that, I will not criticize. I just am hopeful it is not me being blocked. I think as a site we should provide whatever service possible (Gav knows what is possible and practical) as long as it make a member more comfortable. I personally can not imagine blocking a fellow member myself, but that is just me and I would not judge other's actions just because they are different.

Thank you Andy and Justine for your input. I agree with you in many ways, but not all. That does not make me think less of you as friends or people. I find our differences to be a good thing. Knowing you both have made me a better person. You have both improved my life with your wonderful literary work and your friendship.

Nods, you have a point hun. I shouldn't judge but I am only human and it sometimes can't helped. I do agree heartily.
Also I can see someone who I blocked post when someone else quotes them. So like, yeah. Also as much as I know how some other feel about the blocking system, it is necessary, if not to impose some sort of peace, but some self control at least.

However of anyone really wanted to, and someone will because there will always be someone who just wants all the attention, to just log off see what was said and then reply to it under the pretense that we can't see it.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Entangled_Fate
Nods, you have a point hun. I shouldn't judge but I am only human and it sometimes can't helped. I do agree heartily.

We are all human and try not to judge, but it can be so hard. It happens. I have done it far more often than I like to admit, but thankfully there is I am sorry. One line I say a lot. And yes, I do mean it. I know how foolish I can be, but I keep trying. I know you try too and that is important.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Also I can see someone who I blocked post when someone else quotes them. So like, yeah. Also as much as I know how some other feel about the blocking system, it is necessary, if not to impose some sort of peace, but some self control at least.

However of anyone really wanted to, and someone will because there will always be someone who just wants all the attention, to just log off see what was said and then reply to it under the pretense that we can't see it.

Good point, I had not thought of that. You are way too smart maybe you need a frontal lobotomy; or is that a bottle in front of me? I get those two mixed up, sorry.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Waiting for Gav to work his magic or tell me what can be done.

Oh and another thing, when in the reply box, I can scroll down and see what was said. This blocking system is very very flawed. And so in my humble opinion, it should just be forums with a block, profiles you can already make it so only friends can see your information, and it is a story site, blocking votes and comments is well enough, but keeping people from reading your stories is pointless after that. And the only reason I reply to the ones comment is because in writing this one, I scrolled down and saw what was said.

And since there is so many holes, what is the point of this block?
Quote by the_enchantress
Waiting for Gav to work his magic or tell me what can be done.


Sorry for quoting, but I am now testing this as well. It is in both our interests to find all the holes, because I know you don't want me to see what you say a much as I don't want any interaction with you as well.

So I can still quote and see what is said.
I am guessing until these are fixed or otherwise, it is on the honors system to not be a stalker.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am guessing until these are fixed or otherwise, it is on the honors system to not be a stalker.

You can stalk me if you like!
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Please start another thread for any input not related to a full site block. Thanks
Quote by rolandlytle
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I am guessing until these are fixed or otherwise, it is on the honors system to not be a stalker.

You can stalk me if you like!

Hahah, but I am welcomed on your page. Sorry if I am paranoid. But I rather this to be either completely sound proof, or not bother having it at all.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by the_enchantress
Please start another thread for any input not related to a full site block. Thanks

You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Quote by rolandlytle
Quote by the_enchantress
Please start another thread for any input not related to a full site block. Thanks


don't be sorry.

But I'm not the only one who doesn't want a full site block. I can see what others are saying and they can see what I'm saying. I could say more but I'm not going to.
I will email you with my thoughts, if I want to tell you more.

If I have people, blocked, it'd be nice if they couldn't see my profile or forum posts, whatever. Access should be denied. Blurred, blocked out.
Quote by rolandlytle


Don't apologize Roland, the thread clearly says Gav. Not permanent Block Proposal. We were having fun, so no need to apologize, we are forgetting what this site truly represents and what it is supposed to resemble.
I fail to see why people are so reliant on technology to do what their own eyes can do much more easily and quickly. Nobody who comes to the forums or looks at any post on any thread is under any obligation to read them. It is no secret here that I have issues with a couple of members here, but I don't stress myself over what they are posting because I do not bother to read their posts! Honestly, it is an incredibly simple and an incredibly effective way of not getting wound up or hurt or offended or upset. I don't need any technology to stop me from doing something I don't want to do... and the brilliant thing about it is that YOU can do exactly the same thing, - if you choose to...