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Dream On Competition

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Dream On

I thought it was time for a poetry contest. I want to see what your brilliant minds have to offer. You are allowed to interpret this however you wish. What do those words bring to mind? 

The rules are simple. Your poem can’t be longer than 45 lines and must contain the words Dream, Imagine, and Peace. 

Quick Facts:

The Line count is 45.

You cannot submit already published work.

Do not forget the three keywords.

All Stories Space rules and guidelines apply.pbBAhUZpDb73PCpl

The ending date is September 30, 2022 

The winners will be announced on October 7, 2022


First: $100 (USD)

Second: $50 (USD

Third: $25 (USD)

Have fun and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Ooh, you might have pulled Talia into this contest!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Yay! Poetry comp! I haven't written poetry in a while but this looks like a fun theme.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

This looks like a perfect chance to try out an Iambic pentameter blank verse. Clearly one could put in a lot of information with 45 lines of ten syllables. Or one could take the short route and simply use one word per line.

Yeah, the use of lines rather than words really delivers a lot of flexibility in length when it comes right down it. Long enough you can get something fairly substantial, but leaves room for something shorter like a sonnet.

I am working through something in my head already. Might end up as an ode in the vein of Horace, but in English (I assume writing it in Augustan Latin would be a no-no😋).

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

As verbs mentioned in Inspirations, the graphic for this one is excellent. Looks great on the main page.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

This is very timely.


Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

And I see the new scoring system is up. Be interesting to see how this plays out in the comp.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Quote by fuzzy1954

This mention of poetry was like evening moths drawn to a flicking candle Molly. And what Dreamcatcher (Larry) is the first to enter!!

Actually, Ophelia's came first but whatever. We've got two poems up is what matters. And Dreamcatcher is back.

I have one that might be ready, but I am a bit unsure about it and took a stab at a new one yesterday. Should have something up this week in any case.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Where are all of the writers? I'm not seeing any poems for this competition. Am I missing something?

Quote by Dreamcatcher

Where are all of the writers? I'm not seeing any poems for this competition. Am I missing something?

Well, there's yours and Ophelia's. Mine should come soon. I've heard a few others say they are coming along. I've put a bug out over there so we may get some coming over. It hasn't been up long (a week tomorrow) so give it some time.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

FYI, I always say this, but comps are a good opportunity to get the word out about the site. I have tweeted about this one, posted about it on the site I run (I have an ongoing thread where I muse and update about my writing), and posted it on another site I am on where there are some aspiring poets (and one even said he might do it). That's about it as to where I can appropriately promo the comp. There's a couple other sites I am on regularly but don't promo my writing on.

(oh, and I did post about it on <redacted> since we have some folks there who are on here but don't come by often)

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

I have also shared this on a few sites. The more the better.

Also, I would like to take a second for anyone using stanzas. In case you don't know they don't always line up correctly when you copy/paste your poem from another place. It has been this way for years. Here is a quick fix. Well, easy fix, it's not really quick.


To have those connected with a single space so you can proper space between stanzas, backspace Is beside Here


and then hit control-enter so Is moves back down. Repeat with the following line.

IsAn control-enter.

Once you have each line how you want, just hit enter to start the next stanza. I really hope this is not too confusing and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me.

Yeah, it's a bit of a pain when you've already written the poem in another program (I generally just write then directly in my writer's notebook in OneNote) and are just pasting it in rather than writing it in the editor, but it does the job.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Well, I see there are now 4 entries, so that puts me out of the money. lol. Some serious authors here for sure.

11! 11 beautiful poems! Mwahahahaha!

(Lightning and thunder)

Dare I hope to see us make 20?

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

There should be one more, but for some reason my entry attempts are not going ahead, and I'm even being asked to verify my pen-name. Something funny somewhere, since I submitted a story just a fortnight ago without this palaver! I wouldn't care they must know that it cannot be a threat to any of the current excellent entries!

Concluding chapter (16) of THE HIGH AND THE HUMBLE in situ.


Quote by redwriter

There should be one more, but for some reason my entry attempts are not going ahead, and I'm even being asked to verify my pen-name. Something funny somewhere, since I submitted a story just a fortnight ago without this palaver! I wouldn't care they must know that it cannot be a threat to any of the current excellent entries!

Maybe message Molly to see if she can figure out what's up?

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Quote by redwriter

There should be one more, but for some reason my entry attempts are not going ahead, and I'm even being asked to verify my pen-name. Something funny somewhere, since I submitted a story just a fortnight ago without this palaver! I wouldn't care they must know that it cannot be a threat to any of the current excellent entries!

That's not good. I've sent you a message.


If anyone else has this issue please let me know.

Thank you--all clear now after Molly's pertinent advice. Now all you have to do is read it.

Concluding chapter (16) of THE HIGH AND THE HUMBLE in situ.


An even dozen! Keep 'em coming. And it's a good field. The last couple are both quite sweet and beautiful.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Wow, this fell down the list fast. We're now up to a baker's dozen. Which would be great if this were cookies. But it's not. And, in fact, even if it were, we would be wanting MORE!

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry