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One of my poems here is currently on display over in Scotland...

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One of my poems here is currently on display over in part of the The Stewartry Book Festival which actually just finished up, it ran from April 14 to 17 this's their website...

BIG LIT 2016 14 - 17 APRIL

And here's their Facebook page...

Big Lit Organization

Anyway, earlier this year they had a submission call for short poems that got posted in various places on the's something they've been doing the last few years apparently...this is how it read...

The BIG LIT Weekend
Call for short poems: BIG LIT The Stewartry Book Festival April 14 -17 2016
Once again I’d be very grateful for short poems of any kind (published or unpublished) to be displayed in High Street windows over BIG LIT weekend. Send in Palatino 12 point please and your name at the bottom + acknowledgements for published ones. ASAP would be good but no later than March 14th. The poems made the High Street look wonderful last year, are often left up long after the event and attract punters to The Festival. In fact have taken some of last year’s down today. Thanks so much.
Please send to Chik Duncan who has kindly agreed to collate the poems while I am strutting my stuff in India.
Best wishes,
Chrys Salt.
AD of the Bakehouse, Galloway and BIG LIT.

I sent them my poem "Alone Again"...which happens to be on this fine site, as some here may be's my poem again...and yes, it is indeed a short poem...

Alone Again

As the setting sun denies its light,
And the darkened sky cloaks the night,
As the full moon castes its gentle beams,
I'll be alone again, with my dreams,
And if my dreams shall come true,
I'll be alone again, holding you.


I had found out a few weeks back that it got accepted...not sure if any got rejected actually, but I did get this e-mail message today as well...I do think it's pretty cool stuff having your work on display half way around the globe...

Poetry Submissions to Big Lit

Chik J Duncan <*******>
Attachments11:32 AM (6 hours ago)

to Chik, Chrys
Dear All

First, apologies for the delay in contacting you. As some of you know, I spent most of February in hospital and then had to go back in for another week in March. I'm getting back on my feet now but it took me quite a while to catch up with things.

Thank you for submitting your work to the Big Lit Windows project. I can confirm that we did receive your poems and although I can't say exactly where in the town each poem is to be found (we got more than 200 poems in total), I can tell you that we really appreciate your contribution to brightening up the town during the festival.

It was a huge success with hundreds of folk in the town, attending the various events and sometimes taking the opportunity to read their own work at the open spots offered by the Southlight launch and WagTongues pop up bookshop. Not forgetting the sing-song-session in the Masonic Arms on Thursday evening.

Thank you again.

The carnival is over. Roll on next year.


PS I'm attaching a photo of the Bakehouse front door to give you an idea of what your poems would have looked like in windows all around Gatehouse.

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...