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Managed to get my contest winning story in the August issue of eFiction Magazine...

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Rest in Peace
See, look at that...I'm a firm believer in getting mileage out of a story...not only did my story The Birthday Party win the first ever contest here on Stories Space, but I managed to get it in a rather nice looking online publication known as eFiction Magazine...

Here's the story is on page five in the August issue, but of course you could just read it here...

Check out the magazine, you'll see it runs over 100 pages and the layout and appearance are much nicer than most of the online publications I've seen...

I'd also like to point out, and you can see if you go through it...that they run colorful advertisements for books by up and coming independent, if you have a book out...e-book or print, contact Doug Lance and let him know about it...hey, it can't hurt...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Well done on your story being accepted.

Another achievement to add to your resume.
Rest in Peace
I managed to win the monthly poetry contest over on Poetry Craze, which I believe is the most read poetry site on the net...they no longer offer a cash prize with the award, but it's a certain amount of "bragging rights"...sort of like getting an Editor Pick over here on Stories Space...

I've been wanting to win this darn thing for a while...seems like I always got "close but no cigar" until now...

Here be the link...

September was a really big month for me and poetry if I do say so myself...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
The latest high-class, tasteful publication to feature one of my masterworks is the Muscatel Lines...I mean Muscadine Lines, my bad...they proudly feature my contest winning story "The Birthday Party" in their fine Southern journal...

Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal; Kathy Rhodes, Editor; Online Literary Journal

Btw, I stole this...I mean found out about this journal from Mr. Rumple's profile page...and you have to have some connection to the South in order to get published, if you read my bio you'll see that I apparently spent time in the South...

Or was that did time in the South? Sorry, I get confused sometimes...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Or was that did time in the South? Sorry, I get confused sometimes...

I know a few revenuers that could probly answer that DM.

And always remember me,,,,,after your rich an famous

Active Ink Slinger
good job Alan!
We don't know how much we don't know.
Rest in Peace
OK, just got this...let's see if I can get paid on this story twice...

Dear Alan W. Jankowski:

I am happy to inform you that your submission, The Birthday Party, has qualified as an entry in our first writing competition, in the Fiction category. Congratulation! Your submission has now been published on and is available for viewing at .

PLEASE NOTE: We made a few FORMAT ONLY changes to your submission in order to make it more readable as presented on the web. Please review and report any issues.

As you know, one of most important factors in determining winners in our competition is reader reaction. Here are three simple things you can do to improve your chances:

1. Share the above link on your Facebook page and ask everyone to "Like" your submission on, by clicking on the "Like Button" placed at the end of your submission.
2. Tweet the link and ask your followers to "Like" your submission on, by clicking on the "Like Button" placed at the end of your submission.
3. Read submissions by other authors and post any constructive advice, or comments you may have. They are likely to return the favor.

Keep in mind that by building an online following your work could come to the attention of agents and editors.

Thank you once more for your submission. We enjoyed reading it.

On behalf of everyone at, I wish you the best in your writing career.

Best regards,

Bob Dourandish
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Just got there any journal that will ever reject this story? Actually, there is one...I'll be back on that ...

Dear Alan Jankowski,

Thank you for sending us "The Birthday Party". We would like to publish it on "The Rusty Nail." Thanks again for thinking of us.

Craig Hart
The Rusty Nail

If you found us through Duotrope, we encourage you to record your listing here:

You can also follow "The Rusty Nail" on Facebook and Twitter to be notified as updates appear on the website.
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Alright! Had got this message in February...

Alan Jankowski,

Congratulations! Your submission, The Birthday Party, has been accepted for publishing in the anthology.

The book will be available to the public in early May 2012. It will be available in both paperback and e-book editions.

On behalf of all of us here I would like to thank you again for being a part of our project to raise money for cancer research. We will inform you when it is available, at which time we can begin the world record evolution processes.

Sarah Evans
Livelife - Review Board Member
College of St. Benedict

And just found out that the book is now out...and this marks the first time The Birthday Party is out in print, btw...and a reminder that all proceeds do benefit cancer research...

Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal [Paperback]

And looks like I'm in good company in this one, here's the author list...

Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal - Contributing Authors

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Advanced Wordsmith
Blimey, lad! Proper well done!
Rest in Peace
This story is once again out in print...this time in Craig Hart's classy, always tasteful, and need I say cutting edge literary journal The Lusty Whale...check it out my SS friends...

The Rusty Nail, June 2012 [Paperback][/size]

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

You have truly become the poet laureate of stories space. Cheers!
Rest in Peace
My contest winning story The Birthday Party has now officially won two contests...and is in print for the fourth time btw...

I was added to a Facebook group for Just Fiction Edition! authors some time back, even though at the time I was not really a JFE author...Daren Despot, aka DSpot here on Stories Space, organized a contest in the group, and JFE put up a 50 Euro gift certificate as a prize...the idea was the members of the group would vote on certain criteria using a scorecard created by Daren...

The contest started just before Hurricane Sandy hit my area, and I tried to bow out gracefully, as I had not had a chance to read all the entries...tough to do without electricity...anyway, despite my best efforts, I was declared the winner, and my story is part of this available on Amazon...

12 Facets of a Crystal: Stories from the JFE Writer's Group 2012 Short Story/Essay Writing Competition [Paperback]

For the record, I gave the gift certificate to Daren...he more than deserved it for all his efforts in organizing the contest...and his story, which came in second, was rather good btw...

On another of the members of the group, and contributors, Archana Kapoor Nagpal, baked a cake in honor of the book release...

Personally, in my own humble opinion, if there was cake every time a book got released...I, for one, would certainly write a lot more...just sayin'

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
Looks like I managed to make money on this story, yet again...a cool $100.00, and it will come out in the first issue of a new literary journal...

Btw, my story "Sexual Healing" will come out in a later issue of the same's nice to get paid multiple times on the same story btw...

Le Bon Temps Magazine
120 Schaefer Lane
Bronson, TX 75930


Le Bon Temps is pleased to have the privilege of publishing your contribution entitled THE BIRTHDAY PARTY in Le Bon Temps Magazine in both print and electronic formats. You, as Author(s), hereby agree as follows:
In consideration for the fee of 100.00 paid by Le Bon Temps to Artist Alan Jankowski who grants to Magazine the rights of use set forth below and otherwise agrees as follows:
1. Le Bon Temps shall have the unlimited and exclusive rights to publish the Work The Birthday Party in the print and electronic medium for one magazine issue, which is 90 days from the day the magazine is issued, including promotional rights as described in paragraph three. The Work shall be credited to Artist upon publication.
2. After publication of the Work in the one magazine issue, the Work shall be listed in the Archive of Le Bon Temps website until such time as Artist asks in writing for the article to be removed.
3. Magazine shall have the unlimited right to make promotional use of the Work in the electronic medium, including promotion of Magazine or its Web site either directly on the Magazine Web site or through third-party Web sites or electronic services, provided that the Work shall appear in context to the original cover or page layout.
4. The print copy of the Magazine in which the article appeared will be available indefinitely as a purchase of back issues, where the article will be in its original form and layout. .
5. Magazine shall make payment to the Artist in the amount of the fee stated above or fulfill promotional advertising exchange. In the event Artist requires the services of a third party to fulfill Artist’s obligations under this Agreement, Magazine will not be responsible to pay the fees of any such third party unless agreed to in advance by Magazine. Additionally, Magazine will not be responsible to pay for expenses (such as travel, film, or processing costs) unless agreed to in advance by Le Bon Temps Magazine.
6. You, the Artist, represent and warrant: A. That the Article is original, that you have full power to make this Agreement, and that you are the sole author(s); B. That the Article has not been previously published in whole or in part except as you have informed Le Bon Temps in writing; C. That no other agreement to publish the Article is now outstanding except as you have informed Le Bon Temps in writing; D. That no part of the Article violates or infringes upon any copyright; E. That there are no rights, licenses, or commitments of any nature outstanding in favor of anyone who would or might impair or interfere with the rights granted by you to the Le Bon Temps; F. That the Article contains no statement known to be false, is free of any libel or libelous innuendo, and is in no other way harmful.
7. Le Bon Temps will protect copyright of your Article by registering copyright of the issue of the Magazine in which it appears in the name of Beau Coup LLC. If the terms of this Agreement are satisfactory to you, please sign, date it, and return the original copy together with all other necessary permissions to Publisher. This Agreement is void if altered in any way.
8. In the event that Magazine determines that Artist’s services do not meet its requirements or otherwise determines to terminate the assignment, which termination will be at the sole discretion of Magazine, Magazine shall pay a “kill fee” to Artist based on the amount of work done, of % but in no event shall the “kill fee” exceed 50% of the agreed fee or promotional exchange.
The terms of this Agreement shall control the respective rights and duties of the parties relative to the Work. Please sign and return one copy of this contract by mail or fax as listed below.
Beau Coup LLC
Le Bon Temps Magazine
Artist - _______________________
Date - ________________________

Return to Beau Coup LLC
Rebecca Schaefer

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Rest in Peace
And my story The Birthday Party is in yet another journal...this one is a relatively new journal called Alephi, which is based in Chennai, India...check it out if you get a chance, they do accept fiction, non-fiction, art, and poetry...and though they don't pay anything, they do accept previously published stuff...

Alephi - The Birthday Party[/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...