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What story would you recommend from Stories Space

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Hello everyone!

I thought I would start a new thread based on a suggestion from the lovely Mr Rumple_deWriter.

This will be a thread to recommend stories you personally like on Stories Space and think others might enjoy as well. This is NOT a thread to discuss or argue, only to share other member's stories that you like.

Have a great day!
Well, shoot. Now I wish The Amulet by Sbyrne was still up. and Griffins Gidealis Enigma. But RBO's story Lowenna is my current favorite story on here, I am excited to see Entangled_Fates latest idea and for her to continue Ms. Barbie Doll. Frog prince I heard just finished up Cricket: the early years (a spin off of his story My Little Mystery another recommendation), and I have to finish that story myself. Lastly Blood_Black_Rose story Unaware Alpha, though she hasn't written anything in a while, one of the best story I have read that has no dialogue at all.

So to recap the stories.
Ms. Barbie Doll
Cricket the early years
My Little mystery
Unaware Alpha
Oh I forgot one

The darkest night By Sherzarhd. Absolutely love it.
Oh this is a very interesting thread Blue and I would love to recommend some good stories. So I would like to suggest the following stories:

The Many Lives Of Casey L. Miller By Rebellious_Soul
Fifteen Shards Of Broken Glass By Phoenix
Billy By Aidan
Lowenna By Rbo
Cricket: Lone Wolf by Frogprince
Story Moderator
Here are four writers along with the titles of their recent stories which might be worth considering for the 'Recommendation' list. Another writer, Larry F Nigh, has recently posted several pieces of first-rate 'micro fiction' whichalso deserve consideration.

thanks for letting be put my oar in the water, recommendation-wise.

Grenades Magic (the last beer)

Going Nowhere Slowly

The Ball's In Your Court

Story Moderator
I'd like to add a new story to my list:

Adrenaline' by Willfull, which is still on the main page, probably.

note: Yes, I know this is a blatant example of 'post padding' since I could have edited my previous post instead of making this new one. Guilty as charged...and lazy.

Active Ink Slinger
So MANY good pieces, but these are what come quickly to my mind ... each very different in style and type of content, but very good reading nevertheless. I HIGHLY recommend these.




Forum Facilitator
Well, nobody else will say it, so I will. I recommend this one, written by me, the great Circle_Something:
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
*I love the poetry of Talia Russel.
*rbo's Loweena is a great story too.
*LittleMuinchkin can also write.

That is just a start.
This sort of thread is fraught with potential 'danger': at minimum someone is going get their feelings hurt and/or be offended if none of their work is offered as recommended reading. I have seen this before on other sites and it always ends in tears... I commend the OP for the genuine good thoughts behind idea, but I caution against continued participation...
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by authorised1960

This sort of thread is fraught with potential 'danger': at minimum someone is going get their feelings hurt and/or be offended if none of their work is offered as recommended reading. I have seen this before on other sites and it always ends in tears... I commend the OP for the genuine good thoughts behind idea, but I caution against continued participation...

Wherever there are humans, that problem exists. Should we therefore refuse to share pieces that have somehow moved or spoken to us? I say no. Those of us with fragile egos, who judge their own worth (wrongly) by others' opinions of us (and yes, I am one such pathetic creature), should not dictate the sharing of something positive and for some, helpful.

To caution against sharing things we have found excellent is both brave and commendable, particularly for the reasons you have given.
However, to continue to share pieces of work in spite of fear of upsetting some of us is also brave and commendable.

I shall strive to write a piece that is worth sharing, and leave my doctor to pick up the pieces until I have. In the meantime, I shall endeavor to read those that are recommended, not just to improve my own skills, but because the pieces themselves may give me a little moment of escape from looking at myself all the time. Who knows, but perhaps this thread is a salve for those of us still trying to speak to another with our talents (or lack thereof)?

Again, I commend your spirit highly, but I also disagree (even though my heart doesn't want to).

Finally, I have read your signature banner, and feel the need to state that "Ginger Is Most Excellent", even if you don't agree.

Edit: I had to edit this, as it's too early not to make mistakes, but oh well.
Quote by Daisy

Wherever there are humans, that problem exists. Should we therefore refuse to share pieces that have somehow moved or spoken to us?

I find a PM to be adequate to express such feelings rather than aim for public approval...

Quote by Daisy
Those of us with fragile egos, who judge their own worth (wrongly) by others' opinions of us (and yes, I am one such pathetic creature), should not dictate the sharing of something positive and for some, helpful.

I refer you to my previous comment. If public approval is what you seek then, go for it, but isn't that what the comments facility on the individual stories is for?

Quote by Daisy
However, to continue to share pieces of work in spite of fear of upsetting some of us is also brave and commendable.

I disagree - for the reasons I have previously stated, which I believe to be sufficient in and of themselves.

Quote by Daisy
I shall strive to write a piece that is worth sharing, and leave my doctor to pick up the pieces until I have. In the meantime, I shall endeavor to read those that are recommended, not just to improve my own skills, but because the pieces themselves may give me a little moment of escape from looking at myself all the time. Who knows, but perhaps this thread is a salve for those of us still trying to speak to another with our talents (or lack thereof)?

In the first instance you should write for your own pleasure. To do otherwise is to set yourself up for disappointment and to having your fragile ego punctured (or worse...). Whilst I agree that reading the work of others' can be - and is - a useful learning tool writing for your own pleasure and amusement should be the bedrock of your ambitions. Any approval that comes afterwards should be the cream on top.

Quote by Daisy
Finally, I have read your signature banner, and feel the need to state that "Ginger Is Most Excellent", even if you don't agree.

Ha ha! I ADORE red-heads and ginger women...
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by authorised1960

I find a PM to be adequate to express such feelings rather than aim for public approval...

I refer you to my previous comment. If public approval is what you seek then, go for it, but isn't that what the comments facility on the individual stories is for?

I disagree - for the reasons I have previously stated, which I believe to be sufficient in and of themselves.

In the first instance you should write for your own pleasure. To do otherwise is to set yourself up for disappointment and to having your fragile ego punctured (or worse...). Whilst I agree that reading the work of others' can be - and is - a useful learning tool writing for your own pleasure and amusement should be the bedrock of your ambitions. Any approval that comes afterwards should be the cream on top.

Ha ha! I ADORE red-heads and ginger women...

I happily agree with a lot of what you say, even if not all.

I might dye my hair ginger now...
Active Ink Slinger
There are so many good writers and stories here. here are some I have enjoyed

Dave's Place - by Nox

TaliaRussell's poetry is amazing

The many lives of Casey L. Miller - (a little dark but well worth reading) by Rebellious_Soul

Through The Ages - by Kari

Billy - by Aidan

Rise and Fall - by Rebellious_Souls and Entangled_Fate

My Little Mystery - by Frogprince

Lovefaith's - poems

Mollys Dreams - by JustMolly

I could keep going, I haven't found a bad story yet

Oh of course Lowenna - by Rbo ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by mysteria27
My favorite stories on Stories Space is written By LarryFNigh . It is a story that I think about every day.

He Can Always Find You

Kiera and Frogprince wrote a series that is amazing.

Terror In the Land of Hope and Mystery

Terror in the Land of Hope And Mystery - Part 2

Kiera wrote me this beautiful poem. I was touched by it.

Thank you, M.

I was also meaning to pick some of Mysteria's but to be honest I can't just pick one I would read them all.
Active Ink Slinger
anything by kiera, especially the mysteria series since she has me in there too.... heehee
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Well, since it just won the Soltice story competition here at Stories Space, I recommend:

Guardian of the Light by LloydOxton

I second that, it really is brilliant X
It's well worth reading down the whole list of competition entries, they're all varied and imaginative. I've still got a couple left to read myself which I intend to do ASAP.