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Good Evening. I am Drac

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Advanced Wordsmith
Greetings to all here. My friend Red Sonja told me about this site. I love to share my experiences, the problem is that English classes were a long time ago and there is much I need to recall ,lest the Admins grow weary of correcting my submissions and I am given the boot. I was a police officer for 21 years. I have taugh and still teach ( if asked) police defensives and martial arts.

I have co chaired one of the States best haunted house projects. did the radio commericals and made dozens of appearences as Dracula, hence the nickname.I been involved in community theater since the early 80's and have played every villian you can think of. I hope to share the wealth of stories with everyone here.
Rest in Peace
Hey Drac...yeah to our humble little story site with the helpful and friendly staff...yeah, I'm one of those by the way...though admittedly I try to hide sometimes...

Anyway, if you have any questions feel free to ask...someone's usually around, and occasionally we even have answers...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Okay, here's a more formal hello from me! (By the way could you teach me... in the far future?)
Story Moderator
Greetings, Drac, and welcome to this scene of old world culture and charm known as, Stories Space.
Considering your bio., you could the the perfect person to help deal with the gay, zombie, killer penguins. (They did tell you about them, didn't they?) No? Well, live and learn...with a heavy emphasis on the 'live' part. smile

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by 3rebels4
Okay, here's a more formal hello from me! (By the way could you teach me... in the far future?)

If you wish to learn, then I can teach you..
Active Ink Slinger
drac, welcome to the site. I just read your hello in the voice of Dracula.
All Alone my latest story.