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What is your favorite season, and why?

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My favorite too is fall. For many of the same reasons. It is a welcome change from the relentless heat and humidity that lasts into September here in Virginia.

My favorite thing about fall is having the windows open and falling asleep with a cool breeze blowing in and cuddling under blankets.
Primus Omnium
It's the spring for me.
Forum Facilitator
My favorite is late spring-early summer... better golf weather.
Active Ink Slinger
I love rain.
On the equator we don't get seasons like the northern hemisphere. We have a 'winter' which is July/August.
We have a rainy seasons in April and October which normally means floods and we have dry hot
fire season December through to when the rains start. A very scary time.
I love the autumn for it's colors of sensuality and honesty. It's difficult to replicate the truth of gliding leaves.
Well, I guess I am the only one who LOVES winter. Even though I was born and raised in Southern California, I LOVE ALASKA.
The snow and the cold. I have always hated extreme heat. Guess I was born a polar bear.

Active Ink Slinger
I only have my favorites "wet & dry" seasons. The other seasons where I am are "el nino or la nina" seasons... That I wish it will not visit at all.


My wandering crazy mind is just doodling in the sands ~ RuNe
Spring because it means winter is over - I can’t stand being cold. All the best flowers are out in Spring too and the tree blossom. I love cherry blossom, so pretty. I’m quite a keen gardener when I get time so seeing my garden burst into life in Spring is a real pleasure.
Chasing Dragons
I love the Winter. I like everything about it except for the wind/rain combo but then, you can get that any time of the year.


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I love the summer. I am not a cold weather person. I lived in the cold and snow for many years in New Jersey and PA and all over the north. I want nothing but warm weather from now on.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh Spring is my very favorite. Wish we could have it year long. Sometimes we go from winter to summer with 2 days of Spring. But it is beautiful

Active Ink Slinger
Fall is my favorite without a doubt. It's warm enough during the day, cold enough to enjoy a jacket or a snuggle. The trees always are so beautiful this time of year.
Crazy old ape
Fall. The temperature is usually in my comfort zone (I hate both extreme heat and extreme cold), there's a beauty in the leaves changing, and Hallowe'en (I don't believe in the supernatural per se but love ghost stories and such).

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

Spring and fall
Spring is fresh and filled with hope
Fall, the air is crisp the leaves are beautiful
and there is Halloween.
I am actually pretty fond of all the seasons, but Spring has to be #1, because I don't have to drive the kids to school every morning, and because it means the beginning of baseball season!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Where I live, we have four very distinct seasons. I like them all. I look forward to each, however, when I look forward to fall, I know winter is coming. Snow tires. Icy wind. Stupid drivers. Long underwear. But I love the snow. The more the merrier.

I think autumn is my favorite because the grass and weeds have stopped growing, the trees are gorgeous, and all the mosquitoes and wasps are gone. Unlike this year, we usually get a good two months of pleasant fall weather, before the cold gets us. But damn, if we have a long winter like last year, I may go bananas. Spring, summer, and fall this year were way too short.
Usually, autumn is my favourite, but this year, it isn't, because it isn't showing up yet. Months of drought and a seemingly endless heat wave have still not abated.

Autumn, where are you?
Forum Facilitator
Quote by gypsy
Usually, autumn is my favourite, but this year, it isn't, because it isn't showing up yet. Months of drought and a seemingly endless heat wave have still not abated.

Autumn, where are you?

I feel ya. Our autumn seems to be somewhat on hold, too; trees are changing colour, true, but the weather just isn't autumnal at all. It's supposed to pretty much skip autumn this year and go straight to winter. No thanks! Winter used to be my favourite season, but recently I've started appreciating the melancholic beauty of autumn. I like the transition and the fact that in autumn, my sinuses don't bother me as much as summer or winter. Damn, I don't half ramble.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by gypsy

I feel ya. Our autumn seems to be somewhat on hold, too; trees are changing colour, true, but the weather just isn't autumnal at all. It's supposed to pretty much skip autumn this year and go straight to winter. No thanks! Winter used to be my favourite season, but recently I've started appreciating the melancholic beauty of autumn. I like the transition and the fact that in autumn, my sinuses don't bother me as much as summer or winter. Damn, I don't half ramble.

You nailed it, Andrew, autumn has a melancholy beauty, and with the cooler temps and changing light levels, usually feels like the beginning of a new year. It is usually an inspiration to undertake new works. For photography, it can be such a wonderful time of year. I guess this is just goong to be an off year in that respect.

Oh and allergies, those usually abate by now, but instead they are as bad as the spring right now.
Active Ink Slinger
I like the fall season most, because of the cooler temperatures, changing leaves, Halloween, Thanksgiving and the copious amount of comfort foods I can eat. It's also the time of year where my creative juices can really flow.


It can be so beautifully cold. The coolness gives me energy.
Active Ink Slinger
There is an ineffable quality to the 'feel' of the air of autumn, the way it carries sound and light. The way twilight seems more infinite in depth, and the loneliness of the first stars twinkling through the dwindling light. Autumn is the season of wisdom and mystery. I love autumn.
Tart with a heart
Mine has to be autumn as the trees change colour and prepare to shed their leaves.
Active Ink Slinger
I LOVE Winter. The cleansing of the earth the Anishinnabe say. Life is hiding under the blanket of snow. It is, to us, the first season that prepares everything for the creating of the year that comes in Spring.
I also love Winter because as a kid I used to love to make snow men, have snowball fights, and get a shovel to go offer elderly neighbors my service digging out a path to their vehicles, and to clean off their cars. I would usually make 25 cents (US$) for the path, and 10 cents for the car. If I did 3 jobs that was a $1!!! On a lucky day might get more and get close to $2!
I like three seasons. I can do without winter.

Where I live, it only snowed twice this winter which is good. I don't mind the cold, but I hate snow.

As I get older, I enjoy slightly brisk temperatures.

I like to be able to walk around in shorts and t shirt without getting sweaty. I like the pacific Northwest because it's mild all the time. Summer in Victoria is pretty nice. In the Okanagan, I like late September.

I used to love summer, but now that I'm blind and have to walk everywhere, it's a bit of a chore. I use my air conditioner from February to November.
I love Spring. I’m a flower type of gal so seeing the birth and bloom of flowers is so amazing to me.🌻🌸🌺🌼🥀
Active Ink Slinger
Winter. I like snow.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.