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what would you like to hear first after waking up tomorrow morning?

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I enjoy the_enchantress warm smiles in the mornings even tho she's far away
Active Ink Slinger
A call stating I wouldn't have to move after all
There was a bizarre snow day, everyone is instructed to stay indoors until this phenomenon passes.
Active Ink Slinger
Good morning Devil Dog! I hope you don't MIND me waking you up this way! (Sluuurrpp) Look what I've got... just for YOU! (Slurrrpp)
Quote by Howleyesque
Good morning Devil Dog! I hope you don't MIND me waking you up this way! (Sluuurrpp) Look what I've got... just for YOU! (Slurrrpp)

That's disgusting

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by Howleyesque
Good morning Devil Dog! I hope you don't MIND me waking you up this way! (Sluuurrpp) Look what I've got... just for YOU! (Slurrrpp)

That's disgusting


To the narrow minded and sexually repressed maybe. Thankfully it wasn't YOU I had in mind. And, as decades of experience have taught me, those who share your combination of repression and inhibition are a decided minority, to which the lady I had in mind does NOT belong! (Oh, and I pity any poor fool who WOULD consider YOU in such a way, he's evidently in for a BIG disappointment.)
Quote by Howleyesque
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by Howleyesque
Good morning Devil Dog! I hope you don't MIND me waking you up this way! (Sluuurrpp) Look what I've got... just for YOU! (Slurrrpp)

That's disgusting


To the narrow minded and sexually repressed maybe. Thankfully it wasn't YOU I had in mind. And, as decades of experience have taught me, those who share your combination of repression and inhibition are a decided minority, to which the lady I had in mind does NOT belong! (Oh, and I pity any poor fool who WOULD consider YOU in such a way, he's evidently in for a BIG disappointment.)

ugly, mean nasty


take it to the red site

wouldn't touch you in someone else's body if I was paid millions of dollars

this is NOT appropriate discussion for this site.
Active Ink Slinger
You don't have to babysit today.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
Quote by frogprince
You don't have to babysit today.

wish I could help you.

Go back to sleep :P
Active Ink Slinger
My little bb's making there noise telling me I have a message from my friend sushi with his good morning Sin, how are you today
Advanced Wordsmith
Anything that will confirm I'm still alive.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I miss you...

Rebs is waiting for you
The sound of nothing
Buzz of honeybees
I'd love to wake up and look into my lovers eyes and she wouldn't have to say a word.
Active Ink Slinger
I would love to wake up to clarity, knowing where I stand, and hearing I forgive you
would love to wake up and hear all my stuff has been taken care of so all i got to do is load up and go fishing
It's a beautiful morning...
Active Ink Slinger
Good morning mom I love you!!!!