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what would you like to hear first after waking up tomorrow morning?

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Primus Omnium
Frying bacon (which I can't eat anymore)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Circle_Something
The abrupt text tone of my phone, which delivers a message reading: "We tried to deliver your letter on Saturday, but there was a delay. Please go to *insert place where letter is to be picked up* and retrieve your letter". Then when I open the letter, I would like to hear myself screaming, as I notice a winning lottery ticket inside said envelope.

aha but I'm sure if you had to wait a month before you got the money from the lottery ticket and someone offered you an air ticket to anywhere in the world and you could use it immediately, you would accept it instead of the lottery ticket. Am I right?
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Trinket
Quote by Circle_Something
The abrupt text tone of my phone, which delivers a message reading: "We tried to deliver your letter on Saturday, but there was a delay. Please go to *insert place where letter is to be picked up* and retrieve your letter". Then when I open the letter, I would like to hear myself screaming, as I notice a winning lottery ticket inside said envelope.

aha but I'm sure if you had to wait a month before you got the money from the lottery ticket and someone offered you an air ticket to anywhere in the world and you could use it immediately, you would accept it instead of the lottery ticket. Am I right?

I think if the ticket was worth squillions, I'd wait. A month isn't really that long and if I had the money, I could fund more than just a trip. Interesting conundrum though. I'd be very tempted to take the ticket.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Trinket
Quote by Circle_Something
The abrupt text tone of my phone, which delivers a message reading: "We tried to deliver your letter on Saturday, but there was a delay. Please go to *insert place where letter is to be picked up* and retrieve your letter". Then when I open the letter, I would like to hear myself screaming, as I notice a winning lottery ticket inside said envelope.

aha but I'm sure if you had to wait a month before you got the money from the lottery ticket and someone offered you an air ticket to anywhere in the world and you could use it immediately, you would accept it instead of the lottery ticket. Am I right?

I think if the ticket was worth squillions, I'd wait. A month isn't really that long and if I had the money, I could fund more than just a trip. Interesting conundrum though. I'd be very tempted to take the ticket.

Ok MR Makeupmyownvocabulary.... is there any such thing as a squillion? pictures or it's not true.
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Trinket
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Trinket
Quote by Circle_Something
The abrupt text tone of my phone, which delivers a message reading: "We tried to deliver your letter on Saturday, but there was a delay. Please go to *insert place where letter is to be picked up* and retrieve your letter". Then when I open the letter, I would like to hear myself screaming, as I notice a winning lottery ticket inside said envelope.

aha but I'm sure if you had to wait a month before you got the money from the lottery ticket and someone offered you an air ticket to anywhere in the world and you could use it immediately, you would accept it instead of the lottery ticket. Am I right?

I think if the ticket was worth squillions, I'd wait. A month isn't really that long and if I had the money, I could fund more than just a trip. Interesting conundrum though. I'd be very tempted to take the ticket.

Ok MR Makeupmyownvocabulary.... is there any such thing as a squillion? pictures or it's not true.

According to this:

It is a real word, just used colloquially.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
lol you people are weird
~purple addict~
Good evening my dear, I hope the sudden change isn't a shock to you, no don't get up, you have to adjust first.
meow meow and purr purr hehe
Active Ink Slinger
wake up my angel. the sun has risen and its time to begin another day
~purple addict~
Forum Facilitator
Shhhhhh.. go back to sleep.. the dream isn't over..
Active Ink Slinger
Umm... like always... Andrew's voice in my ear, telling me he loves me... or perhaps his snoring. I imagine it to be pretty damned adorable. Coupled, of course, with my cat softly meowing in my ear for food, and licking my cheek. heart

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

No baby girl! Go back to sleep for five more minutes! *From that point on I'd be awake and alert. *
AHWOOOOOOOO! nothing like a good run in the moon light!
Bird chirping
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by awake


Breakfast is ready
Rest in Peace
a whispered good morning in my ear..
Pouring rain and thunder, I don't have to go to class then...
Rest in Peace
its ok it was all a bad dream...
Forum Facilitator
a mockingbird singing in all of it's mocks..
Forum Facilitator
The sizzle and smell of bacon frying in the pan.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Active Ink Slinger
the sound of him walking up the stairs bringing me breakfast in bed
~purple addict~
Forum Facilitator
the silverware and dishes clinking as I walk up the stairs with breakfast..