Today I feel like dancing with the class, a little basket ball in the gym,and a class on the weather and fall so we can spend time outside.
Today I feel like dancing with the class, a little basket ball in the gym,and a class on the weather and fall so we can spend time outside.
Today I feel BLESSED because I have decided to stop waiting for the perfect LIFE and LIVE the life I have!
Today I feel awesome because I am finally able to start my psychology career!
Today I feel exhausted because I wasn't able to sleep last night in addition to my workout at physical therapy.
sorry Ellie hope you get more sleep tonight. xoox
I feel slightly less sick and maybe I'm getting better because it feels that way.
Today i feel loney... i have been for a few days.
Today I feel better because yesterday was terrible
Today i am crying because of... well... lets just say, a weaken is my friends.
Turning all my friends against me...
But.., but...
Their my friends...
And i love them.
Today i feel like i can be at peace because i have been so tired
Today I am feeling abandoned because she dint replied to my messages. Missing hugs and smile
Today I feel hopeful because the friends I have are great ones
Today i feel... because nobody cares... it is the mood i am in. It will be gone by morning.
Tonight I feel exhausted because we spent all day on the beach
Relieved.. because a friend is safe and warm.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
I feel frustrated today, because emotions can be strong.
Today I feel cold because the temperature is below freezing
today I feel lost because I am alone
Today I feel excited because I had a good talk with new person and kind of liked it.
Great, sweet kisses from my cat.
He's been licking my cheek now and then after about 6 years or so.
I love him to death...lmao.