well I would definately take the steak, but would rather have it medium please
fact or fantasy
Drifting within Shadows of Color
road trip...I was not born with wings.
comedy or drama
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
comedy,life is already to serious
clothing-----dress or casual ??
depends on the venue but usually casual
adventurous or cautious
At my age cautious,gone are the adventurous days.
auto,hardtop or convertible
Hardtop never was a big fan of convertibles
Sticking with cars....
Classic car or a new Import (<meaning...Honda, Nissan or Toyota)
Classic car, 57 chev convertible pls, candy apple red with white interior
ooops was that too much information?
do you, follow directions, or do it on your own
On the third time around I consider myself "housebroke"and follow instructions well. A beautiful car,however would love to have my black and white '56 ford crown victoria back,loved that car
map or gps?
Drifting within Shadows of Color
waffles..whipped cream apples and hot syrup.
welcome to SS Bill_EB
carrot or banana cake
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
Carrot,for sure
Apple pie,plain or ala mode?
Neither, it has to be custard ;)
But I suppose I'll take ice cream if it's what you've got.
(being a UK gal I had to look up what a la mode meant in this context)
Sushi or tapas?
Never having tried tapas, I will have to go with the Sushi
Steak or Chicken
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
sleep,nude or pj's
( sorry about the a la mode,Miss adventure)
Boxer until the summer then nude... Gets in the hundreds in the desert
Walk in the woods or on a beach
depends on the mood so I'll go with both
demolition derby or monster truck rally
monster truck rally
eggs-over or sunny side up??
oh dear, I don't eat eggs-I'll go for scrambled tofu in chilli sauce.
cream or yoghurt
Love colours our worlds in endless dimensions and unifies all aspects of our activities. Just as sunlight filters through clouds and causes the grasses to turn gold so everything is interlinked in our world.
are you kidding me, I loved my slinky as a kid
skating or sledding?
Drifting within Shadows of Color
beach shore or poolside
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
cat or dog or both??
dog, but because I live in an apartment I have a cat, sheesh you just had to make me admit it didnt you.
taking pictures of sights seen or painting the pictures