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Say something nice about the person above/before you

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Active Ink Slinger
A great writer and caring friend and sister..
Idk her but she is social in the forums. And stands up against those at the end of the line.
Rebs is the sweetest person ever and a loyal friend
Joker is a sweet guy that makes me get excited everytime a see a pic of a Joker!!
You are very welcome! I give scores that I believe you deserve! I believe that you deserve 5++ for your writing!
She seems very nice and sweet.
Shesseems to bea nice pperson
Advanced Wordsmith
Oh Andrew is lovely, a beautiful soul, good sense of humour, great writer.... a lil bit of everything really. smile
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Lisa is a great friend and caring fun person with a good sense of humour
Kitty is a very warm and caring person, and very kind to an elderly gent such as me.
He has a creative taste in art. I love the trees and girl. smile
Advanced Wordsmith
She has a lovely username
Active Ink Slinger
She is very smart and loves Drifter
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Naomi is a caring friend and sister, who loves her boys dearly
Advanced Wordsmith
Kitty is a sweet and caring girl who loves her friends.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know her personally, but she has a beautiful avatar
one of the best ppl in the world kind loving caring strong
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Quote by southernwolf
one of the best ppl in the world kind loving caring strong

Aww Bill that's very sweet, thank you

Wolfie is very talented writer and artist, an awesome friend who is kind caring and very loving
Advanced Wordsmith
brings joy into everybody's lives
Life exists. Or it doesn't. Who knows?
Rebs is an amazing person and very caring
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Jay is a good caring friend who is fun to be around
Active Ink Slinger
Kat is a good, strong, gorgeous, and caring friend and sis!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm told by great friends that she is a very loving, caring, loyal woman who stands up for those that she cares about.