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a real cool cat
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
A man of depth and reason.
my kind sir, I am very much a lady...and yes..deep and somewhat reasonable.
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
a wonderful lady, knows what she wants, she is very deep, but I disagree about the unreasonable

and for Taken, is that a question or a statement? lmao I cant let you win sorry.
hhhmmmmmmmmmmm let me see,what to say?????A fun person,a friend,however a little behind on game rules it seems.

A good sport,and lot of fun!!!!Don't change
Quote by Delamar
my kind sir, I am very much a lady...and yes..deep and somewhat reasonable.

The mistake and embarrassment are all mine. Please accept my sincere apologies for making an assumption without making the effort to know you better. I humbly add forgiving to my last post!

To taken:

The avatar speaks as one with the ability to see his inner nobility and your interest in Native American history is commendable
Always interested in someone who is Proud of His and/or Her ancestry.Welcome to the funny farm friend!!
a little spit fire but he is my friend and he can always make me laugh. thank you

funny farm? is that why the guys in the long white coat are chasing me, did you tell them to come and get me to keep me from winning in the other forum?
posted an new poem that is as unique as she is....
Now they wear black jackets and shades instead of white coats....because we are all Out Of This World...
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
Very nice guy fun to play on the forum with
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Ditto and a great poet
Awesome guy LOVE playing on the forums with him & all of the AWESOME ppl on SS
a great friend always lends an ear to listen and a comforting word or two
A friend and FUN FUN FUN
he's a lot of fun to follow in the forums, never gives up and makes me laugh
There is nothing to beat a mutual admiration society! But it is true, She is funny and it's always fun to catch up with here in the forums.Sure wish She would learn the rules of the end of the line game though!!!!!
He is a true gentleman always moves out of the way for this wildrose in the "end of the line" forum
A GREAT friend & a GREAT lady to talk to
grea tone to pass the time of day with here in the forums

@WRG,flattery will get You anything,Except,a win in the end of the line game.
Lets birds kiss his nose
Love colours our worlds in endless dimensions and unifies all aspects of our activities. Just as sunlight filters through clouds and causes the grasses to turn gold so everything is interlinked in our world.
What can I say,a classy lady,with a great sense of humor.

funny you shuld notice that,the caption with the photo says"any closer and You will have THREE nostrils!!!!Have a nice rest of the day
wonderful sense of humor, keeps me on my toes trying to find ways to beat him in the forums lol
Who keeps who o their toes??Begging Your pardon I think it's the other way around.Please stay just as You are,a friend and fierce opponent!! Keep smiling!!
a friend and a true gentleman
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
such a statement must be posted twice, lol

a friend and a true gentleman
Love and Enjoy Every Day for it is a Gift
A new found Friend who I am sure will be a fun opponent here in forums
A very jovial man who makes playing in these forums fun
Let me see,hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,well i guess one could say,aahhhh,no that wouldn't be nice.Then maybe we could say something like ahhh ahhhh no that won't work either.oh well, guess we will have to stay with the usual,no that won't do either.Guess I will have to go back and think further on this,will be back soon.In the meantime don't let me hold anyone up.Till then will just say a hell of a fun person here in the forums and a continuous ----------------
He is a brave man, a daring soul, to say the least, but a gentle man who cares about his friends.

Now i'm a continuous what? hmmmm cmon spit it out.... wait on second thought nnnoooooooooo dont do that