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Poetry challenge: Use the last line first.

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Active Ink Slinger
Oh I hate that my bed has grown cold
I know it misses me so
But it always gives me issues
This morning, a stubbed toe

I screamed and cursed
At that bed and my pain
Our relationship now
Will never be the same
Active Ink Slinger
Will never be the same
I said as I watched him go
And as I watched he smiled
And with a wink of his eye
He was on the train.
Forum Facilitator
Is dead.
She read.
The newspaper said.
Now she fled.
Now she fled
Of staying
and greeting,

In the sense of
greet - to
sit down and mourn,

the dead,

Their deaths
Were senseless

And to mourn
Truly mourn

Has now become endless
Forum Facilitator
Has now become endless
Nights rendering time irrelevant
Sleepless thoughts becoming sludge
Until daylight peeks between hanging cloth
Forum Facilitator
I shall sleep very much in the manner of a sloth.
All hairy with claws, mouth covered in froth.
Then I remember it was something I read,
This silly poem is because of something Andrew said!!
This silly poem is because of something Andrew said!!!
I wrote it while standing on my head
And juggling plates with my feet
Tossing and twirling them in a manner quite neat

Not one plate did drop or break
A miracle related to fate,
Or maye just darned good luck,

Thank you for reading to here,
You're a star -
Now of you'll excuse me
I have to go clean out my truck.
Active Ink Slinger
I have to go clean out my truck
Wait I don't have one
No, I drive a car
But a truck sounds like fun
Forum Facilitator
But a truck sounds like fun,
and so does shooting a really big gun,
but if I did,
I would have to bid
for my freedom,
for me with a gun, though it may be fun,
would end in death
of a man named Seth.

Poor Seth, you see,
sells crystal meth,
and he won't give me any more,
mostly because he's a really big bore,
which is why I want a twelve bore,
and then I can show him death's door,
steal all his meths
and much, much more.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
And much, much more
I'll steal his floor
Where he died
Unless Andrew Lied
And is really a meth whore

I wonder what you'd do
With all that meth just for you
The crystal meth
Made by the late Seth
I suspect he always knew
Story Moderator
I suspect he always knew
By the little looks I'd catch
As he looked my way
On those days so blue

He kept coming around
Day after day and soon months
His presences grew on me
Like turned to love for us
in leaps and bounds

There is no getting away
from me now
We're stuck with each other
Until both of us are in the ground
Forum Facilitator
Until both of us are in the ground
Until the earth stops spinning 'round
Until a hammer pounds a silent sound
You are the most precious thing I've ever found.
Active Ink Slinger
You are the most precious thing I've ever found.
Petals should be placed beneath your feet to grace.
Someone to be cherished, a princess crowned.
Not one, who should have another disgrace.
To celebrate we will place a blanket on the ground.
Our vows of friendship, we will never misplace.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
Our vows of friendship, we will never misplace.
It's time to slow down, life isn't a race.
Maybe it is. How would I know?
I can tell, by the look on your face
That your mind is someplace out in space
Perhaps it's time for me to go
Forum Facilitator
Perhaps it's time for me to go
Or maybe I was never really there
It's left for me to guess and you to know
Whether you honestly truly ever cared
Whether you honestly truly ever cared
No longer matters, does it?

What's important
And will last,

Is that in the face of great odds,

We took our chances,
Had some good times,
Laughed and danced

Facing gloom and doom,
to be happy, we dared
To be happy, we dared
Although both were scared
To show that we cared
And our hearts were paired
Our lives should be shared

So we bought a goldfish.

Story Moderator
So we bought a goldfish
Our kids said stop trying
We're grown, you got your wish
No more pretend pets
We catch fish, they're for frying

Get another dog and go for a run
You did your job, you and Dad deserve
Now to relax and have a life filled with fun
Active Ink Slinger
Now to relax and have a life filled with fun
You have worked all your life for a pittance,
But now you're retired and your time is your own
So kick off your shoes and join in the dance.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
So kick off your shoes and join in the dance,
There's celestial music playing,
This is your chance

To shed inhibitions, shyness and fear,
Come, dance in the moonlight
Come dance with me, dear.
Forum Facilitator
Come dance with me, dear
Our song is the one playing
Hold me close and never fear
Our bodies tight and swaying
I want to make it very clear
I love you forever is all I am saying
Forum Facilitator
I love you forever is all I am saying,
even if it means I have to keep paying.
It's not that bad,
but it makes me mad
when I see you with that utter cad.
You deserve better than that sack of crap,
all he wants is to use you and fap.
I, however, want to give you a roadmap.
A roadmap of your future, dear,
then you'll have absolutely nothing to fear.
Come with me, come here.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Come with me, come here,
We'll fly away soon,
Give me your hand,
And a hug
Then settle on my rug

Hang on tight, tuck arms and legs in,
Are you ready to take off?
Let's go for a spin!

The altitude's no problem,
We've plenty of air,
As you can clearly tell
by the wind in your hair.

We'll swoop and soar
Above earth and its cares -
Tedious, boring,
Gloomy and drear!

Before landing quite safely
Without anyone near
To question or bother us,

With stupid questions unkind,
Such as

"What are you doing!"


"Have you lost your mind!?"

The answer to those
Should be plain and concise,
No minds have been lost,
If the askers fume and frown,
We don't give a toss!

So come with me, my darling
Come with me, come near,
We'll leave earth behind,
And fly away soon

Active Ink Slinger
And fly away soon
Into the great unknown,
Where all is still a mystery
And no one has yet gone
Forum Facilitator
And no one has yet gone
Where I have dared travel
So many hearts won
Yet my own does unravel
Paralyzed, unable to run
My words once relevant, all turn to babble
Forum Facilitator
My words once relevant, all turn to babble.
I feel like such a useless rabble,
so off I'll go, to my house of rubble,
and drink away all my trouble.

A bottle of whisky
will make my liver crispy,
cure the shitsy,
and make me blitzy!

Or maybe vodka,
for my useless bodka.

Perhaps some wine,
so I can whine?

Rum for my bum!
Trying to choose a mode of dampening,
is almost too mind-crampening,
so I think I'll choose...
Arr, a bottle o' rum, for me bum!
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Arr, a bottle o' rum, for me bum!
Or I'll t'rottle you quick wit' me t'umb

T'en leave you to be trampled in a scrum,
Wit'out t'e strengt' to even 'um

Somet'ing tells me t'is poem is cursed,
It's gone straig't from bad to worst
We've 'ad one 'aitch of a time
T'is but tawdry doggerel r'yme
Put me out of my misery
Serve me a measure of wine
Active Ink Slinger
Serve me a measure of wine
at the close of a long grueling day,
As I sit in front of my screen
and string words together for play,
If this poems curse shall not be so
then we'll carry on as we may