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Poetry challenge: Use the last line first.

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You fluttered like a bird
Perched up high
Scared to soar
Terrified to die

Shaking in fear
You're mind made up
You will go elsewhere
Tired of this dump

With great courage now
You took your leap
Not sure how
You sounded your victory tweet

Higher and higher you fly
Embracing your life
No more fear of dying
No more useless strife
No more useless strife
Because you are just doing a curse
It is like messing with life.
But first,
Where is my lucky shirt?
Active Ink Slinger
Where is my lucky shirt?
I just saw it there, on the line.
Was it removed by a bird?
Without it I'll never be fine!
Hey! What's that there in your hand?
With that black stuff you just wiped away?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh, you bastard! You'd better go hide!
Or I'll commit murder today!
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Or I'll comit murdar today.
With my book of spells in hand,
I'm done trying to make you sway.
You had this curse coming and,
Let me just whisper and say
We both tred on this land.
We both travelled from far away.
You came from a city of sand.
But now it shall fall and decay!
Active Ink Slinger
But now it shall fall and decay!
Disappear like it never existed
Build your walls up as high as you may
Still your fate will be painfull and twisted
The injustice that you have committed
To the sourc'ress of Em, Gold on Red,
Is the cause for your household to wither
for the seed from your loin to be dead.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
For the seed from your loin to be dead,
one must read once again what before was read.
This is strange, oh yes it is true;
for birth control to be so odd, so strange, and so new.
I must be losing my mind, my thoughts are so daft.
But success is achieved, if you read this and laughed.
Active Ink Slinger
But success is achieved, if you read this and laughed
And I bet you are thinking I am silly and daft
Your are probably not very far from the truth
For I'm loosing my wits and I call it my youth
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
For I'm loosing my wits and I call it my youth,
but I am not young, so strange, but the truth.
But old I am not either, so is it so strange;
the years of our life, laid out with broad range.
Hold on now, what am I saying?
Oh crap, it is this poem game we are playing.
Oh crap, it is this poem game we are playing.
Not strip chess that I recall.
But anyways if I was paying,
To just stand then fall.
I guess it'll be a waste of money.
Active Ink Slinger
I guess it'll be a waste of money
To buy you those roses, they will wither away
You will never come back to me so I'll just leave them
And I'll buy me a bottle so the ghosts will not stay
And maybe I'll sleep after I see the bottom
And just maybe those dreams will not haunt me tonight
if they do I'll just buy me another cheap whiskey
just to help me forget, for I'm loosing this fight

For those that worry now, it's fiction, okay?
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
Just to help me forget, for I'm loosing this fight,
liquid lighting in a jug, bring me your might.
Troubles in darkness, tears falling down;
crackle of fire, only sorrow around.
Smoke in my eyes, fingers do grasp;
the future ahead, damned be the past.
Active Ink Slinger
The future ahead, damned be the past
Yesterday sucked, make tomorrow a blast
Make the day brighter than all days before
Take back my heart, give our love an encore
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Take back my heart, give our love an encore
For without you my soul is too sore
Only you my cowboy can heal this heart
Just hold my hands and show me a brand new start
No more nightmares spent alone at night
When I'm in your arms, away from deaths sight
Active Ink Slinger
When I'm in your arms, away from deaths sight
That's what she tells you, so hold her tonight
She made this place warmer, with her giggles and smile
And you have the power to make that last for a while
So comfort your lady, make sure she's content
If you make her happy, you'll have a new friend
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
If you make her happy, you'll have a new friend
Love her and cherish her, she'll be with you till the end.
She'll light up your life,
make your heart soar,
You'll move mountains to be with her
and you're loins will roar.
And your loins will roar
Upon that great shore
Their fur in the sand
Which was unplanned
They were suppose to be free
Over there in the forest of trees.
I guess will watch that bird now.
Look at it wow.
Active Ink Slinger
Look at it wow,
a sky of fire's passion.
A long trial ride,
alone but only of a fashion.
Thoughts of her waiting,
while distance eats time.
Crackling fire in hearth,
makes a connection to mine.
Roll out for the night,
resting my head on my saddle;
sweet lullaby they do sing,
the insects and cattle.
Active Ink Slinger
The insects and cattle
They are never far apart
Fighting their eternal battle
Each one playing its own part
So the tails will go on lashing
to eradicate the lot
And those bugs will go on searching
For a spot to draw some blood
Or a nice place for a larve
To develop and grow fat
As the cow rolls on the mudbank
Just to put a stop to that
It's a battle without treaties
Peace is not part of the plan
This old war will go on raging
As it has since time began
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
As it has since time began
Life always ran.
It fear to die or be alone.
So put down that phone.
Look around
I am sure it wants to found.
I am sure it wants to found.
A new home
To love,
To stay
In oh
So many ways
Active Ink Slinger
So many ways
to tell you
I love you
So many ways
that I see
you do too
But so many things
add weight to
the equasion
That the truth
in your heart
may be
hiding for you
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Hiding for you
Is a love fresh and true
The person you will meet
Will sweep you off your feet
And take you to new heights
With new sexual delights
That will turn your head
As you lay togther in bed
I am filled with envy
Cos that person is not me!
Active Ink Slinger
Cos that person is not me!
She said rather bitter
I bet that she's younger
Much blonder and fitter
with tits that don't sag yet
because they haven't fed
each one of those three
lovely children we had
I know you need sex
and you always want more
but why did you have
to have sex with that whore
while I laid here waiting
in thin lacy pink
a hoped that you'd come home
right after your drink
Well I am done waiting now
take back your ring
I bet if you try
it will fit round your thing
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
It will fit round your thing
As it's rather small
To be perfectly honest
Your thing's not much at all!
Oh, are you offended
That I mocked your manhood?
Now you look embarrassed
And so you damn well should
It's tiny and it's weedy,
It's a joke I am sure
The thing is so damn small
It doesn't point down at the floor!
Your poor, poor little thingy
All shrivelled-up and soft
Here, let me rub it a little
Maybe it will rise aloft
And then, if you are lucky,
I'll be especially nice to you
But only if you can make it last
More than a minute or two!!
More than a minute or two
Spent at the zoo
Enjoyment there
Without much flare
Seeing monkeys
Not much talking
Just laughing at them all
Giving their call
As they in return can
Laugh at the silly man
Who tripped over himself
Running from the yelp
Sent from the cage
With the orangutane
Who was just dared
By the grumpy bear
Who decided to see
If he could be mean
When the zookeeper
Took away his new beeper
Because bears should never
Ever ever ever
Have an electronic
Since its just so ironic
Since it's just so ironic
That something electronic
Turns out to be telephonic
In the hands of one moronic

How did this happen, you say
In that silly gobsmacked way
Just like you do everyday
As part of that game you play

As if you are unaware
Of what's in front of you there
The truth, should you even care
Sit's in the opposite armchair.

It's your own fault, blame only you
Nobody told you what to do
We all warned you not to go though
With marrying Mr You Know Who

But, knowing how stubborn you get
I wonder if it's sunk in yet
(I'm sure it hasn't, I'd bet)
Just how long you have to regret

Ignoring our friendly advice
We were only trying to be nice
I personally told you twice
The guy was no sugar, all spice

You stood there and laughed in my face
Then ordered me out of your space
Your treatment of me was a disgrace
I left you alone in that place

I'm sorry, I can do no more
Now that you've shown me the door
I'm hurt and I'm angry and sore
What did go and do that for?

He'll hurt you, don't you realise,
With his broken promises and lies?
It should come to you as no surprise
That he has wandering eyes

His hands are no better, I assure you
I know what they are liable to do
He's a man who can never be true
He's not the right person for you

He is lazy, a waster, a slob
Who can't even get a decent job
Everything from you he will rob
Leaving you brokenhearted to sob

While he drifts through his day
Stupid computer games he will play
Whilst having nothing to you to say
Other than "get out of the way"

Should you venture too close to the TV
While he's playing GTA Three
And slobbishly slurping his tea
Is that how you envisioned it would be?

So, happy anniversary, my friend
My very best wishes I send
A shoulder to cry on I'll lend
When you bring this sham marriage to an end.
Active Ink Slinger
I want to give this thread new life. Apparently, the line "When you bring this sham marriage to an end" didn't inspire anyone to continue the thread, so lets take the line before that one.

A shoulder to cry on I'll lend
Whenever someone is in need
Whatever I can to make sure
That he will get back to his feet

I always will try to find time
To listen when life is a mess
For everybody is worth
Some kindness in times of distress
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
Some kindness in times of distress
Helps people under duress
Making them feel blessed
Stops them from being stressed

A kind word in ones direction
Can help stop, self destruction
Making them feel
Helping them heal

Knowing that somebody cared
To take the time and dared
Will help them deal
With something that's real

Sadness is depression
Sometimes desperation
When one can feel nothing
No happy sensation

Taking the time
To find out why
And what really happened
To make these people cry

Don't feel they are weak
And must endure them
Get them to speak
And help to cure them.

"And help to cure them"
The religious devotee prays
"Send them peace
Throughout their days"

Head bowed and hands clasped
In pious supplication
She feels the love
Of holy exultation

Her God is her reason,
Her sustenance, her very breath
Her past and her future
Her life, her eventual death

She believes wholeheartedly
That she is part of God's Plan
To bear the sins of His children
In every way that she can

When she is called
To sit at God's side
She will pass on happily
Knowing that she tried

To always do
The best that she could:
To do no soul harm,
To always do good

She is confident of finding favour
When Judgement on her is passed
Only then will she be sent to
Her eternal rest at long last.

Until that day comes
She offers up her prayers and her tears
And knows in her heart
That her God always hears.
Active Ink Slinger
That her God always hears
That is what she believes
And that helps her and comforts her
Because she grieves
For the loss of her loved ones
Both her husband and son
Who had died in september of 2001
They were firemen
Rescuing folks from the towers
And when they collapsed
She had waited for hours
She had prayed every minute
But too soon it was clear
That fate had made truth
Of her ultimate fear
They were heroes, her men
They both gave their life
But she wishes she still was
Mother and wife
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"