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write a little poetry starting with " roses are red"

roses are red
you know it's true
i love my kk
and she loves me too

she's sweet and she's kind
and oh what a beauty
loving her is easy
her kisses are fruity
Roses are red
but they're just the flowers
that would not exist
if it weren't for the powers
they gain from beneath them
from the black soil that feeds
from the dirt that seems worthless
yet provides all their needs
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Quote by ginger86
write a little poetry starting with " roses are red"

roses are red
you know it's true
i love my kk
and she loves me too

she's sweet and she's kind
and oh what a beauty
loving her is easy
her kisses are fruity

Roses are red
I'm hugging you tight
I love the forum roses
You know that right?

We had so much fun
Posting in it on red
Our poetry was legendary
So it was said

No forum decorum
Just so much fun
With me and my best friend
My number one.
Roses are red
From their thorns you have bled
Isn't candy better instead?
From a boyfriend named Fred

But Fred's got no game
All his gifts are the same
They're really quite lame
He has no shame

So look for a Bob
He might be a slob
But at least he has a job
Selling red roses to snobs
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Roses are red
From their thorns you have bled
Isn't candy better instead?
From a boyfriend named Fred

But Fred's got no game
All his gifts are the same
They're really quite lame
He has no shame

So look for a Bob
He might be a slob
But at least he has a job
Selling red roses to snobs

Roses are red
Let me be clear
No Fred's
Are welcome here

But we all like Bob's
Even if they are slobs
They are mass deployed
And thoroughly enjoyed

Throughout circus tents
Living free rent
Noses of red
Has to be said

One cannot frown
When watching clowns
They make us laugh and chuckle
In every Town.
Roses are red
like her bobbing head
to tell what she's doing
would really be bad

If a mod were to read
she would lift up her feet
to kick me right out of here
simple and neat
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Roses are red
Paulus is German
I suspect
His real name is Sherman
Roses are red
you are guessing too much
I may live in Deutschland
but in fact I am Dutch
from the land of the tulips
the windmills and cheese
and the fertile green fields
that we claimed from the seas
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Roses are red
A thousand times it's been said
The flower of love
Or at least.. kind of..

Some might say not
Or have you forgot
Other flowers are cheaper
Maybe they'll keep her

Just throw them in a vase
With some ferns and some lace
And even if she thinks they suck
Hey.. at least you saved a few bucks..
Rose are red
That much is true
But why the hell do people say
That violets are blue?

Violets are violet
That's how they got their name
Anyone not colour blind
Can see they're not the same

It drives me insane
This descriptive inaccuracy
All for the sake
Of 'humorous' poetry

This is an issue
That cannot be ignored
It has to be stopped
And proper order restored

Take up the cause
Come join in the fight
End this inaccuracy
Come, let's do what is right!

Roses ARE often red
But violets are never blue
So don't you believe everything
That silly poets tell you!
Roses are red,
But sometimes they're white -
Their scent fills the air
On hot summer nights -

Roses are red,
But they can be yellow -
With soft velvet petals
That carpet the soil -

Roses are red,
With thorns that can stab,
If you are careless and give them a grab -

Roses are red,
And they give their name
To a Parade that we watch New Year's Day.
Roses are red
like the blood in my veins
it is also the color
of the feeling that reigns
over all other feelings
that I always feel
and I know in my heart
that it still is as real
as the day I first kissed you
held you close in my arms
you will always be my flame
and my being still warms
when I sense you around me
when I feel that you're close
I will love you forever
you're my beautiful rose
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Quote by paulus
Roses are red
like the blood in my veins
it is also the color
of the feeling that reigns
over all other feelings
that I always feel
and I know in my heart
that it still is as real
as the day I first kissed you
held you close in my arms
you will always be my flame
and my being still warms
when I sense you around me
when I feel that you're close
I will love you forever
you're my beautiful rose

This is so lovely!
Roses are red
Let me be clear
Bring back Jezza and Top Gear
Quote by Kiera
Roses are red
Let me be clear
Bring back Jezza and Top Gear

Roses are red
We all know that's true
Kiera, my dearest,
I agree wholeheartedly with you!
Quote by authorised1960

Rose are red
That much is true
But why the hell do people say
That violets are blue?

Violets are violet
That's how they got their name
Anyone not colour blind
Can see they're not the same

It drives me insane
This descriptive inaccuracy
All for the sake
Of 'humorous' poetry

This is an issue
That cannot be ignored
It has to be stopped
And proper order restored

Take up the cause
Come join in the fight
End this inaccuracy
Come, let's do what is right!

Roses ARE often red
But violets are never blue
So don't you believe everything
That silly poets tell you!


Roses are red
I agree with you
Violets are violet
Most certainly not blue
Roses are red
and this thread needs new breath
if we stop posting poems
it will slowly find death
But I want it to live
It is here for a friend
so this little new poem
for her I did send
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Roses are red
Can I be curt
I want you to know
That I'm feeling really hurt

I thought we were friends
Is it a crime
That when others didn't
I took the time

I am starting to wonder why
Because now I am upset
Don't you realise people have feelings?
Or do you have no concept?
Roses are red
And blue is the sky
And grey are the rainclouds
That keep racing by

The wind takes the cushions
And hurls them away
While the chairs and the table
Are trying to stay

I hope that tomorrow
The spring starts to win
For I need the warmth
Of the sun on my skin
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
roses are red
and i'm feeling bad
my kk is hurting
and that makes me feel sad

i'll give her a hug
and a kiss on her lip
and hope she feels better
or i'm taking a trip

through the portal i'll go
to a land far away
with giorgia and reece
and my beautiful kk
Roses are red
I am not denying
That my Gingers poem
Has left me smiling

I am sorry to say
I was having a bad day
But she loves me blindly
So I will put it all behind me

I will take her hugs, kisses and hand
Go through the portal to our mystical land
Where we will sit beneath a willow tree
Eating crumpets and sipping tea.

Thanks babes, loves you
Roses are red
I am in bed
Not reading a book
Watching LOTR instead
Roses are red
and insomnia struck
I should be asleep now
but I am out of luck
So I tap at my keyboard
read some poems and prose
and I play silly cardgames
but my eyes still won't close
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Roses are read
Heard Paul was a snorer
It's the real reason why
He has sleeping disorder

He snores so loud
The police weere called
But at the court case
The judge ruled

Cummunity service
For waking the neighbours
That they should have warn ear muffs
Those snoring haters.

Hi Paul
Roses are red
Sometimes I'm blue
But not, I must add,
When I am with you

Hey there, Kiera!
Roses are red,
And smell nice too,
My hands are stuck
With crazy glue.
roses are red
violets are purple
i want to kiss kk
and give her a slurple
roses are red
and so was the wine
that I had with my dinner
and it taste fine
my son made me coffee
without sugar today
but he made it with love
so that too was okay
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
roses are red
i'm in bed
nighty night
Rises are ROSE
That's how they were named
Red's slightly different
But who gives a good hoot?
Only a snoot. ;)

Roses are red
Ginger's a beauty
So is her Kiera
They're not even snooty!