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Name That Movie

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Active Ink Slinger
Jaws 2

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Shake and bake!
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!
Jean Girard: Is that a catchphrase or epilepsy?

"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
Taladega Nights

Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing. Her Father promised her that he would send her the Angel of Music. Her father promised her... Her father promised her... ~ Christine

"When a girl says don't worry about it', you better worry about it."
Active Ink Slinger
The Phantom of the Opera

“I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace. Sooner or later though, you always have to wake up.” ~Jake
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger

Louis: The kangaroo got the money!
Charlie: What are you talking about?
Louis: I put the money in the jacket, and the jacket on the kangaroo, and now he's hopping away!

*rolls on the floor laughing* I love that movie xD

"When a girl says don't worry about it', you better worry about it."
Active Ink Slinger
Kangaroo Jack

Y'know one of the most beautiful things about a car?
If it isn't working properly, you can strip the skin off, expose the insides, find out exactly where the trouble is, take out the faulty part and replace it with a new one.
If only we could do that with people!
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
Grand Prix

“Okey-dokey, then, if there’s any common sense in the design of the enemy ship, I should be putting you somewhere in the Cargo Bay. Shouldn’t be a soul in sight.”
Star Trek, the reboot

I love robbing the English. They're so polite!
A Fish Called Wanda

"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
The Dark Knight

"Well, nobody's perfect."
Some Like It Hot

"That's why her hair is so big; it's full of secrets."
Mean Girls

"Big Kahuna Burger. That's that Hawaiian burger joint. I hear they got some tasty burgers. I ain't never had one myself. How are they?"
Advanced Wordsmith
Samuel L. Jackson - Pulp Fiction

"Heading over to the Australian and Hawaiian internationals, and then me and Mick are going to wing on over to London and jam with the Stones!"
Fast Times at Ridgemont High

"Sicilians are great liars. The best in the world. I'm Sicilian. My father was the world heavy-weight champion of Sicilian liars. From growing up with him I learned the pantomime. There are seventeen different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away. A guy's got seventeen pantomimes. A woman's got twenty, but a guy's got seventeen... but, if you know them, like you know your own face, they beat lie detectors all to hell. Now, what we got here is a little game of show and tell. You don't wanna show me nothin', but you're tellin me everything. I know you know where they are, so tell me before I do some damage you won't walk away from."
Quote by fuzzy1954
Same time next year (1978)

as I watch my mind drifts to my long distance love
miss you my darling

your irish

"The Sicilians are great liars." is a quote from True Romance.
Active Ink Slinger
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
My Fellow Americans

"Puny God"

hint the line was said by a big green dude.
Rookie Scribe

Those aren't pillows!!
Active Ink Slinger
Planes, Trains and Automobiles

"Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes really, pressure and time."
“Play the sunset."
― Mr. Holland (played by Richard Dreyfuss) on "Mr. Holland's Opus"

Find my fan page on Facebook "Diana Shallard" and follow me on Twitter too!
Active Ink Slinger
Chikan densha: Shanai de ippatsu

God that was a hard one. I remembered an old soft-core Japanese movie from the mid 80's. I did some research thought an actress I thought was in it, Yukijirô Hotaru. WOW!

Fabious: You have to suck out the venom!
Thadeous: I don't want to suck it, you suck it!
Fabious: I can't suck my own venom!
Thadeous: Yes you can! I'll help you!
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Active Ink Slinger
*Say what? My "geology" quote is from "The Shawshank Redemption.

Oh well... carry on .. the above quote is from "Your Highness."

"Play the sunset"
“Play the sunset."
― Mr. Holland (played by Richard Dreyfuss) on "Mr. Holland's Opus"

Find my fan page on Facebook "Diana Shallard" and follow me on Twitter too!
Rookie Scribe
Mr. Holland's Opus??

I aim to misbehave
Active Ink Slinger
Quote from Capt. Malcolm Reynolds in the movie 'Serenity' a favorite of mine. (loved Firefly)

"I want you to use all your powers, and all your skills. I don't want his mother to see him this way.
Look how they massacred my boy... "
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Rookie Scribe
The Godfather, Vito

Farmboy, fetch me that pitcher.
The Princess Bride

(Kaneda says) Now you're king of the mountain, but it's all garbage!

he: Why, by God, girl, that's a Colt's Dragoon! You're no bigger than a corn nubbin, what're you doing with all this pistol?
she: It belonged to my father, he carried it bravely in the war, and I intend to kill Tom Chaney with it if the law fails to do so.
he: Well, this'll sure get the job done if you can find a fence post to rest it on while you take aim.
Active Ink Slinger
By Eugene in 'The Monster Squad'

There's no gene for fate.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Active Ink Slinger
There's no gene for fate.

Gattica (1997)

"You know what my daddy taught me? Nothing."
If you are reading this, thank a teacher.
If you are reading it in English, thank a veteran!