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Create a paragraph for the person above you

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Hunkering low in the dense forest, the She-wolf serpentined her way to the tunnel entrance. She gave one last look back at all she knew, then leapt howling into the darkness. There are those who say she was just a myth. That she never existed. But the old bear knew. It was he who saw her emerge as the dragon. Even now, when the wind blows and the moon is full, he can hear the howl that once was.
Dream catcher was sitting on the porch of his strange house of wondered. He watched as the waves of the beach surge past, causing a great wheel to move and ccorresponding gears. Strange mechanisms moved about, in bizarre ways. He closed his eyes and lostened to the rhythmic sounds of the machines.
Active Ink Slinger
Rebellious Soul was off on an adventure. Some how, her wildest fantasies had become reality! She was an elven princess and nature mage and part of an adventuring party. Deep within the bowels of the cavern they were exploring, looking for the lair of the mighty and evil dragon they sought to slay and lay claim to it's mountainous hoard of treasure, they came upon a buried and water filled ancient ruin. Everyone else had gone to bed for the night but she chose to go bathe in the moonlight streaming through a crevice above. As she did, she saw a small reptilian head emerge from the water and swim to her. Reaching down and picking the animal up, she realized that it was a newly hatched baby dragon! While certain that more treasure still lay ahead, she knew she'd already found what she would want most from this expedition; a dragon all her own to raise and train!
And here's number 54 the quarterback 4&6 at the 30 yard line. 50seconds left of the forth down, he needs one last touchdown in order to go into overtime. There they go! The opposing team has a decent defense and is covering the offense well! Number 24 is open, but no! Number 54 fakes it and makes a mad dash towards the endzone! He's at the 20, at the ten, twists around 32 on the opposing team and leaves them in the dust! And touch down! We are going into over tiime!
There she goes, walking down the street like an angel, a ghost. Turnning evil souls into rebellious souls to over take the leadership/kingship of the kingdom. With each look of her warm sexy eyes of her, she turns every battle tested worror and souls into jell-o in the knees. All the way up to the kind who has been in battle 1,000 folds over.
Forum Facilitator
Big11, looking like Garfield. Has a sense of humour, which is a bit far-field. What I mean to say, is that he... Sack this, I don't know the guy from Adam, but he seems like a nice enough feller. Probably a grumpy git in the morning, though, what with the Garfield avatar.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Hello grammar Nazi, I mean, circles! There is something i would like to say. For this is the game where you write a paragraph about anything for the person above. Here i go...

Hshdjdjdbvshhsjjdjdakajsndbd kdkd sjdhdbdbfsj sjsjdbfbfmfkfjdjdbdb!

That is code for something, muahahahahahaha! (No, not really.)
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Hello grammar Nazi, I mean, circles! There is something i would like to say. For this is the game where you write a paragraph about anything for the person above. Here i go...

Hshdjdjdbvshhsjjdjdakajsndbd kdkd sjdhdbdbfsj sjsjdbfbfmfkfjdjdbdb!

That is code for something, muahahahahahaha! (No, not really.)

Here's some code for you:

GNOME scaled-down version of a Digok I don't worse I taken an oath. And, Yes, it was a success.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Hello grammar Nazi, I mean, circles! There is something i would like to say. For this is the game where you write a paragraph about anything for the person above. Here i go...

Hshdjdjdbvshhsjjdjdakajsndbd kdkd sjdhdbdbfsj sjsjdbfbfmfkfjdjdbdb!

That is code for something, muahahahahahaha! (No, not really.)

Here's some code for you:

GNOME scaled-down version of a Digok I don't worse I taken an oath. And, Yes, it was a success.

I was teasing circles...
Forum Facilitator
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Hello grammar Nazi, I mean, circles! There is something i would like to say. For this is the game where you write a paragraph about anything for the person above. Here i go...

Hshdjdjdbvshhsjjdjdakajsndbd kdkd sjdhdbdbfsj sjsjdbfbfmfkfjdjdbdb!

That is code for something, muahahahahahaha! (No, not really.)

Here's some code for you:

GNOME scaled-down version of a Digok I don't worse I taken an oath. And, Yes, it was a success.

I was teasing circles...

Me, too
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Evil evil circles. They were everywhere. Though not as evil as the box, but that's another story. There will never be a peferct circle. Nothing will ever be round, so why do we call circles as such instead of close enough odd shape. So circles_something is more of somethibg rather then circles, because he ain't perfect nor would he want to be.
Active Ink Slinger
She moved through the night. Slipping through the shadows and quietly passing the guards hopelessly trying to stop her, she move into the main building. Stealthily she traversed hallways and corridors always evading detecting from the owners and their minion. She had to retrieve the item for the sake of someone special, she owed him that. She found the room that held the treasure she was seeking. She slipped into the room and silently closed the door, leaving it dark. Her eyes adjusted and she saw the cabinets where she expected to find her treasure. Carefully opening the cabinet door and searching about she found it. It was not heavy, but she knew it would not be. This small book sized box contained what she needed for that special person in her life. She was strong, but not strong enough. She could not help herself. She opened the box and took two small items out. She knew she should not, but she had to. She tossed the two items into her mouth and began to chew. The milk chocolaty goodness filled her mouth bursting with unheralded flavor. As she chewed, the rich sweet chocolate taste flowed down her throat. She closed the box back up and began her journey back to safety knowing they would not catch her. Everything had gone perfectly and she had the last box of chocolate candy in the country. Her boyfriend would not believe what a wonderful birthday he was about to have.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Forum Facilitator
Roland, Roland, Roland, keep those wagons Roland... Rawhide! Wait, no, wrong genre... This man is a sailor man! And a very kind one, too. There was this one time, a long time ago, when he helped me out of a right jam I was in. You see, my boat was sinking, and I had nowhere to go. He came along with his giant frigate, and fished me out of the high seas. He then gave me a tow and got me back to shoreside. That was a fun day, despite the nearly sinking part, and afterwards, he even visited me. We mended my boat together then had tea and scones. For a man of the sea, he can be quite the landlubber.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Dreaming of his upcoming tea break, Andrew worked in quite an absent minded way. He didn't notice that the adjoining desks, empty, cleared off, no-one sitting at them, were stealthily advancing towards him. Not a sound did they make, gliding smoothly on their lean wooden legs, tops gleaming. A sudden rasping sound woke him out of his data-input revery that was bordering on a coma and with a start, he looked up. Surrounded! He was surrounded by wooden desks! Or rather his desk was surrounded by them, for it was she they were after. "Dinna worrie, wee desk lassie!" he shouted. Leaping to his feet, he heisted her to his back, broke through the sap scenting, maddened circle of office furniture, made a break for it and safely exited the office. After picking a few splinters from his hands and arms, he and the desk retired to the lunch room and had a lovely cup of much needed tea. And a biscuit. Or perhaps five.
Active Ink Slinger
Gypsy sat back, headphones on, pressed play and closed her eyes. As she listened to the music she heard the distant rumbling of thunder, it was getting louder, closer. Soon the rains would be here. Looking around, taking in the dry harsh plains, the cracked white earth pierced by the odd clump of long crisp parched grass, she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the hot air and unfamiliar smells. A few kilometers away, thick billowing clouds of dust were blowing up. She raised her binoculars to her eyes and saw, ahead of the dust, the herd moving towards her, the elephants in the front kicking up the fine powdery earth, covering those behind them. They moved with purpose at a steady pace. "They smell the rain" a voice somewhere murmured. As Gypsy continued to watch, she felt the air change temperature, turning, she noticing for the first time, the dark heavy clouds rolling in across the plains, sheets of rain already reaching the thirsty ground, moving towards her like a curtain being drawn. The elephants excitement was obvious, large drops of rain where falling all around her, throwing up dust as they hit the ground. The smell was heady, overpowering, she again breathed in a large breath, sighing, her body relaxed, as she heard the words " I bless the rains down in Africa...."
Quote by AriesDragon
Gypsy sat back, headphones on, pressed play and closed her eyes. As she listened to the music she heard the distant rumbling of thunder, it was getting louder, closer. Soon the rains would be here. Looking around, taking in the dry harsh plains, the cracked white earth pierced by the odd clump of long crisp parched grass, she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the hot air and unfamiliar smells. A few kilometers away, thick billowing clouds of dust were blowing up. She raised her binoculars to her eyes and saw, ahead of the dust, the herd moving towards her, the elephants in the front kicking up the fine powdery earth, covering those behind them. They moved with purpose at a steady pace. "They smell the rain" a voice somewhere murmured. As Gypsy continued to watch, she felt the air change temperature, turning, she noticing for the first time, the dark heavy clouds rolling in across the plains, sheets of rain already reaching the thirsty ground, moving towards her like a curtain being drawn. The elephants excitement was obvious, large drops of rain where falling all around her, throwing up dust as they hit the ground. The smell was heady, overpowering, she again breathed in a large breath, sighing, her body relaxed, as she heard the words " I bless the rains down in Africa...."


Thank you, that is so beautiful. I really could feel, see, smell and hear all you described.

I'll try and get back to your paragraph later, unless someone gets there first.

It is so great to see you back here!
With a gleam in her eye, she knew she can't be beat. Her heart raced as the end drew near. Impaitence grew as she waited to play her next move. One final piece and that would be the end. All she heard was, "checkmate." Her heart sank from her chest. Checking rechecking, analysing the board for a move any move. She gloomly looled at a smug Gypsy, Ariesdragon had lost the game.
Forum Facilitator
Sheathing her sword, she look over the battle field. The carnage was heavy, but they had won day. Her only remaining task was to deal with the dark queen Gwen who had started all this. She called for her lieutenants and they started towards the queens keep. Quietly muttering to herself, "Her dark Rebellious Soul started this and I'm going to finish it".
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Marching along in a military stance, a line of redcoats just up ahead. With musket notched upon his shoulder and bayonet sharpened at the ready. He joined his brothers to fight for freedom. Meredith march forward for his right to a bright new world.